Hold On Now Youngster

Careful. An NBC exec is skimming these comments for show pitch ideas.

Someone wanted to bring American Gods to the small screen?!?

"hanging out"

Really? Thanks for the tip. I may have to lift my Gawker and Gawker affiliates ban to check some of that out.

I'm not sure what's going on here but I like it

I don't know about that. Buzzfeed occasionally provides some interesting content between GIF-laden "look at all of this content we stole from Reddit!" posts. Specifically, they have some longform writing that's kind of fun - there was one written from the POV of a stripper working the ND boomtowns and reflecting on

To be fair, you could play a game of "Whose Headline: HuffPo or Gawker?" and I'm willing to bet that even the most advanced blog-content consumer would struggle.

Are you sure it's not?

His backpack's
Got jets
He's Boba
The Fett

I've been burning through their catalog for the past 24 hours. It's odd. Transatlanticism worked pretty well as an album, and I still have a soft spot for Grapevine Fires as an individual track, but the rest of their stuff has left me lukewarm. Not bad, mind you, just nothing to run back to.

Having never watched it, I keep thinking that I should give pro wrestling a shot.

Fozzy: "Gee, I wonder how many rubber chickens I can buy with 30 pieces of silver! Wakka Wakka!"

That feels like the opening to a Marx Brothers sketch.

Clearly, you've never played the Trauma Center series of video games. We're all in good hands.

Something something hey guys Wall Street sucks, BOOM comedy gold

I know a guy who only rides mass transit as a reminder of why he's pro-choice.

Man, I really want to see that tree.

This is an interesting time of year to live in California's Bay Area. With Coachella down south, many musicians have chosen to kill time between (or during) weekends by coming up north to perform a bit, so this was a very musical weekend.

As a recovering WoW player (Vanilla through TBC then on and off through Cata) who's watched the MMO market out of curiosity and participated in the ESO beta, I had a very opposite problem. ESO was an incredibly boring game, just the same static MMO nonsense all over again. It was a very on-rails experience, the world

I've described the plot as the writers taking a bunch of words, posting them on a wall, throwing darts at them, and figuring out the most kick-ass way to string the hit words together.