Hold On Now Youngster

…he isn't?

There's a fine line between "turning your craft into a living so you can keep performing said craft" and "selling out." There's an even finer line between all of that and reaching an audience.

"Court Dismissed, Bring In The Dancing Lobstahs" is Amanda Bynes' new EDM track to premiere in a Red Lobster commercial this summer.

And just think, if they had agreed to that weird clothing promo deal, they could have hundreds - literally hundreds - of followers just like this.

I don't think that the digital CCG platform is ever going to be a replacement for the paper format (going to a hobby shop, hanging out with folks, learning from players, teaching new guys, and introducing friends to the game all make an experience that's more than the sum of its parts), but good luck dethroning the

What happens when a copyright lawyer acquires a copyright on punching copyright lawyers in the face?

I've been watching this on and off for most of the weekend.

But but but

You have to go back to college. Please pardon me while the working stiffs weep for you.

I hear that you and your band have sold your turntables and bought guitars.

The closest I've ever gotten to appreciating musicals in any form was joining stage crew in high school for all of a week before deciding that all of the weird cliquishness, references to bizarre productions, and incest was too much for me so I jumped ship.

On the one hand, fuck Gawker.

For the record, I clicked that link and got served ads for this damn hat.

For those of you wondering who actually likes Nickelback:

I know I'm a few months late to this party, but I only just recently got into Bob's Burgers and got addicted fast.