
And yet it's up like a retriever at the first sniff of Yaoi.

Yes, but I think you may be one of those shallow, vapid, no college, unskilled job lumpenslackers currently ruining America so your opinion is essentially not just meaningless but annoying. No offence.

I'm stunned you think this episode was funny at all. I thought it was a gigantic fail. There was no story, no characterisation, no significance to any of the segments or to the episode as a whole. It was just an exercise in masturbation by some lazy cartoonists.

Because they're mostly not gay.

Wasn't the original point of Community that Jeff Winger as a lawyer who didn't have a law degree? You didn't see him haunted by anything.

Believe me, as I said in an earlier post, my sympathies are entirely with you. When the fuckers don't say anything, what can you do? At least you didn't pull a Nathan Rabin and start telling him about yourself.

Emma Stone is with the Brickwall Agency?

You're the one having a hissy fit because some Italian played some Hispanic. That's the definition of neurotic.

Really? But you're the right-winger in this little spat. I mean, only fascists deal in racial quotas.

That's more like it!

When is his bubble going to burst? Soon I hope.

Men who rediscover their sex lives at fifty should have the decency to keep quiet about it.

"His dad is dead I think so that is probably in poor taste."

Still, I'm smarter than you.

You have it backwards. It's neurotic to notice and it's pathetic to even bother making a point of it. Acting is pretending and insisting that productions mantain true-to-life racial quotas is just the kind of small-minded politics art can do without.

You've ruined it.

"….mine will enjoy the beautiful lady signing them songs of angst, post-modernism and woe"

Did anybody have any qualms about it? Then? Or now? I mean, aside from the most reflexive kneejerk PCers? It's like asking, 'Wedre people as outraged as I was when they found that no full-blooded Scotsmen were in your production of Macbeth?'.

We all got along well together, and that’s it.

You did your best, Joel, but, really, but maybe next week you might have better luck interviewing a stone and seeing if you can get any blood out of it.