
FFS. It's filler that E! would have rejected ten years ago as cliched garbage churned out by some mid-Western Jackie Harvey blogger.

Yes, so we can all pay off the addictions of self-indulgent musicians.

Perhaps he meant a pallid, ghostlike hulk who lives in a basement?

Well, now it all makes sense.

Up yours.

Adric must stay dead!

I was just wondering how short these Dr. Who history stories would be if everyone they met in whatever point of time ajnd space they travelled to didn't speak demotic English.

Nasim Pedrad

Oooh, an opportunity for a new Dr. Who joke:

This episode is an excellent example of the difference in expectations, impulses and idioms between the old and new schools of Dr. Who:

I'd love to see some of the winners go up against each other - and especially go up against Bedell the winner from Project Runway Canada's Season 1. He was, it seemed to me, certifiably insance, a drunk and whipped up his final, winning collection in about three days. It was amazing and he won - and then he

Oh for goodness sake, it's quite obvious to anyone with an ounce of fashion sense what Jerell is wearing:



Ooops, I got the point of the first post wrong. Oh well, such is life.

Agreed, he's a brilliantlyh underrated comedian. His blind ping pong teacher in the unjustly neglected Balls of Fury was a tour de force:

Let the dawn of bumfuckery begin!

Don't get sentimental.


That was a reference to Tom Hanks when the basketball floats off in Castaway, right?