
That would have been a cleverer resolution than the one we got.


"You've murdered us both!"

Good choice!

I'm with you. I thought Bert's outfit made the lead singer look like Pipi Longstocking going to the state fair dresssed as a beetroot.


Yup, it's obvious Tim is just reading the links from the cards held up by the production assistant but all these 'Project Runway firsts!' and 'Never before in the annals of Project Runway!' diminish the man. That Tim should be reduced to this: dead horse flogger.

The reason I chose my list is that they were all strong personalities whilst also being very credible designers.

All the clothes designed for this challenge were a real disappointment - cliched and unisteresting. The only one of any qualikty, I thought, was Laura's blood-spattered top for Leot.

Wholeheartedly agree. It wasn't just that the clothes they made for the band were so dull and bland, which they were, it didn't help that the band itself sounded like a Supertramp tribute band from the 70s pub circuit anyway.

Viktor, Laura, Josh and Anye are all strong designers - but of daywear and sportswear. I'd like to see some real couture on the runway.

Was it my imagination or didn't Coles mentor or judge the much maligned Fashion Show? I found her unexceptional.

A Full Churchill, you mean?

Personally, I think Robert's talking the CEO out of her own job is one of the things that should have been shown rather than just talked about. I hope they are not going to downplay and sidelines Spader's unarguable charisma in the interests of 'ensemble comedy'.

Victor can design but, televisually, he's such a weedy, wet personality. Like those water people from Futurama.

Oh you lickspittle.

But Oiliver is a genius! Only you don't understand him! No-one does! Only Oiliver! How he must suffer!

I wouldreally have liked to see some of the big guns inveigled into the action:

The editors must be frantic. Every time they build up a character into a usable TV 'personality' through demented cutting, splicing and dubbing, he gets cut.

Johm Goodman is a good entry as a villain. The only thing is, he is one of those actors whose real hair looks like a glaringly false wig.