
Let's hope the same happens to the Castros real soon.

He's no Michael 'Bowling Ball' Chiklis.

But is it funny?

The Fabulous Picture Show on Al Jazeera

I wonder what kind of person would write a sentence like that?

"…a group of radicalized Swedish filmmakers and journalists…"

@ anyroses

You know who' really to blame? Byron Kodak for inventing film!

Actually, what a brilliant movie it would be if he had intentionally killed them. I see Lithgow as Landis, the diabolically murderous director, and James Gandolfini as New Colombo.

Not really. It was an accident. It's not like he lured them into his white van and then dumped their bodies in woodland.

As are we all.

I'm not so sure. Landis' own films tend of have good scripts and great casts but the actual direction always seem very pedestrian.

Another guy who gives great interview.
Whatever made him think he could act though?

Did you mean Pinochet who's out of power and only escaped jail by the skin of his teeth?

I'm sorry, did the news that Gandhi liked to molest prepubescent girls make you angry, not at the fact tha Gandhi liked to molest prebuscent girls but that someone should mention it?

Too lazy to go to a library? Too dumb for college? Then Wikipedia is right up your alley.

"I agree that Orwell's leftism doesn't fit comfortably into modern categories"

You can't say 'bullshit aside, and then make a post so smeared in bullshit it could grow roses.

Pretty fucking good, that's how tricks are with me. sherlock. Now on to your stupid premise which i refute thus:

Obama's not a socialist. He's too cowardly.