
I can understand the first part of your post but I thought the 'black' impersonation in the second line was of-key and racist.

David Cross sure does seem to kick off a lot of screaming Paris Hilton-feuds for a witty, post-modern comic.

When you say 'eingineer', do you mean someone who can build a dam or construct a skyscraper or design a tank or do you mean someone who types code into a computer in a windowless basement?

Oh god, are you always 'on'?

You didn't laugh at Tobias' creeping decrepitude?

It means 'capable of being estimated'; in other words quotidian, everyday, usual. 'Inestimable' means too large and too grand to be calculated, priceless, valuable beyind measure.

Party colostomy pants.

Also, I don't like the high-pictedh hysterical titter he does when a real person would simply have cried for the cameras.

Too filthy even for Japanese squid connoisseurs!

Because each one of them was outwitted and outargued by the thirteen year old brat they were assigned. Just like Christian Siriano was squashed by that pre-teen Deveil's Food Cake that was forced on him in the prom challenge two seasons ago.

"I do like the boning underneath' - Michael Kors

Thanks for that tip.

You're lucky I didn't say weltschmertz

"I'm your older brother, Olivier, and I was stepped over!"

Viktor is a fucking narc for ratting out Olivier. If there was a gay fashio n supermax, he'd be the first to get shivved.

Yup, I'm sick of the 'throw under a bus' metaphor. Why can't they go back to the old 'stabbed in the back' metaphor?

'Our estimable Todd VanDerWerff'

I don't understand why more people haven't made the connection. Josh looks exactly like a Young Hitler if he'd gone into showbiz not politics.

It's 2 am. Michael Kors is sitting in his y-fronts in a glass box of a penthouse on the Upper East Side, drinking oil from a tin of sardines, his face illuminated by the flickering liight of an endless Teletubbies loop playing out on his 152' wall-mounted Panasonic Plasma. Tears stream down his face.

"Kors is on fire tonight"