
I'm beginning to like Olivier a little more too. He's beginning to show a little grit, a little oomph, a little moxie. What we might have mistaken as craven spinelessness might have been some kind of crumple-zone defence mechanism. The French have an expression for that kind of surrender - I believe they have over two

I think Tim must have meant 'Take me to The Alamo' but he's so enormously well-bred - by American standards, of course - his brain cannot even contemplate the actuality of Texas, let alone be so crass as to recognise its most significant locale so his processing core immediately switched over to an emergency parallel

Agreed. Where's the director's  cut of A New Leaf?

Hey, Duke's dead. They can do whayt they like with his plot. What's he going to do? Blow his top?

I still think he was wroing to make a big fuss about money and pull out of Godfather III.

He's padding the article and if you don't get that, you're brain damaged.

You simpering lickspittles, he doesn't have hiring authority you know.

Never mind that shit, have you seen the reviews for Madonna's latest movie:

My god, it must have been like living in The Algonquin with Nick and NorahCharles!

Do you get paid by the word, Murray?

What about Chinese people. They're yellow, aren't they?

He certainly gives good interview. I'm going to recommend him to everyone I meet.

I'm sorry, in which of the Gospels were the Jews described as 'hooked-nosed goblins' again? Are you sure you're not mistaking the Bible with your Primus guide to Magic: The Gathering?

You thought that was a snappy comeback?

Good. Sounds a clever and funny thing to do.

"Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove"?

Part Rashomon, Part Garfield 2: A Tail of Two Kitties

It wasn't a stereotype when it was written.

Read '50 Reasons To Hate The French'. It has a very good chapter called 'Gainsbourg: The Quasimodo of Pop'.

Especially if they're old enough to be thier mother. It's called Hugh Jackman Syndrome.