No offense to fans of this show but is this site really going to go through all the old Who episodes. The show has been on for decades it seems like overkill to me.
No offense to fans of this show but is this site really going to go through all the old Who episodes. The show has been on for decades it seems like overkill to me.
I regret buying the newer reissues of his albums. They don't have any bonus tracks. I do have the Rykodisc version of Scary Monsters though. I guess i can always youtube the bonus tracks.
I find it odd that you can't watch Veronica Mars on netflix you can watch most of the other WB/CW shows though. It is not even in syndication i tried searching it on my cable box and got nothing.
She can always google what the name means.
Atleast change it up by having the woman be the wash up has been and the man the rising star.
He is the only one i can think of right now i am pretty sure i could find plenty of other dudes that fit the criteria if i were to do some Googleling.
I think it is worst that theres a lot of directors that won like that dude who directed The Artist that really have not directed anything thing worthy since winning.
Hopefully Cartoon Network will send screeners of Over The Garden Wall to the Emmy committee. It should be nominated for the best mini-series category but most likely that turd AHS will still get a shit load of underseved nominations.
It is a shame Idris Elba is being wasted on this. Imagine how much better the Lucious character on Empire would be if he were to play it instead of that woman beater. Another plus would be that he would not sing since i don't think Elba has any musical talent.
She also was in that latest Anna Karenia but very briefly.
Add Better Call Saul to the list. I laugh at that show more times then something like Modern Family.
Or anything having to do with Tommy Wisaue.
She had the right features for a short hairstyle. Ladies with a little meat on there bones don't look good with very short hair.
I wonder why no one ever came up with a gay version of Romeo and Juliet. They can call it Romeo and Julian.
It is quite easy to get rid of Huck the cops could always find out about one of his many killings and put him in jail. They can replace him with a computer expert that is a normal person that is not a psycho.
Her voice is quite annoying she is so screechy. But i hate Jamel's songs so much more they are just too many of them and i don't care for his singing voice. It is quite painful to my ears when he goes into the falsetto. It has gotten so bad that next season i am going to watch this show online or on my DVR so i can…
They can always get Tom and Lorenzo and while they are at it they could get rid of the studio audience. They could also critique clothes that are worn on tv shows and movies not just what a celebrity wears on the red carpet.
I don't mind him doing comedy but i would prefer if he were to stick to drama more.
They should also have a look at Transparent I know it is 30 minutes but that show is not a comedy.
Also it would not hurt for her to take that nose ring off once in a while. I never really like that type of nose ring it always reminds me of a bull.