You can say the same for the canceled The Millers.
You can say the same for the canceled The Millers.
He most likely has plenty of other job offers and does not need to be on this crappy show anymore.
The only thing that i had a chuckle at was the eviction notice that looked liked it was made using Micorsoft Word from the 90s.
I know i just want it to more of a comedy then a drama.
Hopefully Louie goes back to being funny again.
I have not watch this show since it came back i guess i will comeback when this dam election is over with. Hopefully she losses and this show can go back to incorporating Alicia with her partners and staff at her firm.
Like dance and screw because they got nothing better to do.
Too bad Oprah will never appear on Broad City.
They did make a darker one a couple of years ago that i did not see.
I saw the first two episodes of it did not see the rest. I only gave it a shot because I have been really into BBC period stuff lately. Sucks that Netflix got rid of most of its BBC miniseries of classic literature. Luckily I caught Bleak House and Wives and Daughters before they left.
The animation is really stunning this season especially the backgrounds.
What is the difference between this show and The Paradise they seem to have the same premise?
Did you know that this show is done by the Oscar winning writer of 12 years a slave you would think they would mention it in it's ads.
Hell i think Rangers boys can take him down very easily.
It is liked they watched The Americans and wanted to compete in the wig department.
It is a good role for him playing a handsome boring prince. God knows he got tons of practice on Game of Thrones.
Mercury is the best technical rock singer of all time but my favorite is David Bowie. He is my second favorite i think it has to do with i just don't like Queens music as much as Bowies.
I think the video directed by David Fincher made the song appear better then it actually is.
Not a good sign that he is attached to this he after all is one of the show runners on The Strain.
Like when Amethyst mention to Greg that she has seen his junk before. A thing i notice about this show is that all the Gems are named out of semi-precious stones i wonder if we will every see a Diamond.