
But do you really need to it on a big screen it screams i will wait for it to be on Netflix.

They sure waited long enough it should have come out a year after the last season. Is anyone really going to care enough to spend money to see it.

In Russia's defense when i first saw this album cover i did not know the backstory and thought that it was indeed gay.

It they are counting the ones with laugh tracks then they are correct. This is the only one that i watch on a regular basis.

I think it all depends on if you like the author or not. But mini-series in general are so much better then movies when it comes to adapting long books because you get mostly the whole story.

You can say that about every summer movie season.

The producers of Spartacus were so smart in not casting him in the lead. But he has improved.

Spoiler for a old ass book

I don't think they should make movie adaptations of literature anymore. They should leave that to the tv mini-series especially the BBC.

I don't watch this show that much so i don't know if they use Joe that much. I get the feeling that the new kid is going to be black this show despite having to latino cast members is too white.

Are you really surprise that this show wants to have another cute kid on this show. There are still two young kids on this show but the rest of the kids are not that cute anymore. It is a standard thing with sitcoms it all started with Cousin Oliver on The Brady Bunch.

Who the hell is watching Bear? He is being neglected hopefully he is at a good pet sitter. He should run away and go to Hell's Kitchen there is a blind lawyer there who sure could use him.

She should get her stuff together to become a US citizen that way she does not have to worry all the time.

I have never actually seen Pink Flamingos despite liking Divine. I have seen Polyester tons of times and it is my favorite of her films.

It also helped that Ginger has the same look and body type as Edith.

The big advantage that Daredevil has it was only 13 episodes unlike this and the CW hero shows. I doubt it would have been as good if it had 20+ episodes.

The music does suck i still plan to watch it when it comes back i just plan to fast forward the musical numbers. I get the feeling that is going to eventually tank like alot of Fox's shows that started out huge and then fizzled.

It is doing ok for Fox but this show should be doing better in the ratings and quality then it is.

I did not know that it makes sense now why she gets work.

You can always play a cell phone game like i do when a boring part of a show comes on.