
The toliet scene did remind me of a leftover sketch from Mr. Show.

I would not know if it wasn't for reading a comment on here.

But that show is going to get canceled.

It is quite odd with Parks finish this is the only NBC show this site recaps now. Of course there is Hannibal but that has not premiered let.

You are probably better of looking to see if ID tv ever did a show about the real life case. It would be shorter at least. I saw the one they did about the real life story that was the inspiration for Pain and Gain.

That blond ages her and makes her look like just another blond actress.

I also don't think that both actors are up to the task of playing a Aids related storyline.

Damages a show I gave up on halfway through the second season had better characters and actors though.

He can always give her the one Elizabeth was walking before she dumped that car on that dude.

He is also not very talented if was not for his dad owning a record label he would not have a career.

Very hypocritical of him to point out that he does not like that Andre's married a white woman while his own girlfriend could pass for white. I don't like the character or actor being a woman beater in real like does not help.

She can always guest star on Empire.

Is that really necessary for this show? This is after all the same show that hired Emma Roberts. Last season was a complete dud the only saving grace was Dandy. I hope the Finn Witrock stays far away from this show he deserves so much more then this turd.

It would have been funny if they inserted clip from Eddie Redyame's performance in Jupiter Acceding instead of the one he won for.

He really did not seem too shaken up. He acted like he just watched his parakeet die.

I think it all depends if The Following tanks in the ratings. I could see them renewing it could always be on Fridays or summer.

Is this really a surprise this show never really had stars. If they were honest they would have called this show Dancing with the Hasbeens and Bottom Feeders.

It really is a shitty religion if you can all it that. I saw something on ID tv where this lady had a mentally disturb son and she would not seek psychiatric help. This son ends up killing her.

I am a huge Bowie fan so I choose this name.

Who is that guy anyway i never heard of him before.