Erik E Erik

@TheMogul:disqus Why do you think he was sacked? He could see too much!

I'm liking this to remind myself to downvote it in the future. No need to write it down, I'm sure I'll remember it.

Wait, I can blame that on the changes now!? Hmmm… very interesting…

I liked the gimmick AV Club commentator who found comments you did in articles 3 years ago, quoted them, and then said "That was a BLAST FROM YOUR PAST!" That's probably the closest I'll ever get to being the result of some archeological study, some buffoon digging up old comments of mine as a gag.

Yeah, but in a bad way.

How many bitcoins can I buy for 100 likes?

I didn't like all of Take Shelter, but that scene where he flips out at the church dinner is when you decide to give Michael Shannon the keys to any future movie that needs a scene of someone freaking out.

Yeah, those Garfield strips were trippy.  People rip on Garfield all the time, with good reason, but, you can say Jim Davis has licensed Garfield to death, you can say he's farmed out the work to others, you can say it's simply not funny anymore, he still did that run that was like Maroon 5 recording a 70-minute death

I hope they play The Moniter in its entirety, because I love that album!

What about the new Pusha T album? That got reviewed in fucking Slate before this site!

They've taken over the comments system at every site I frequent.  Why innovate or even worry about customer's individual preferences? You can just have move to offering one product and consumers will be forced to purchase it.

A peaceful reconciliation with the Dissolve crew?

I'm marking on a Post-It to come back and downvote your comment on Monday.

Sometimes it's funny to see things that get downvoted.  I wonder if it's an accident, if someone has spite towards that particular writer, or someone honestly didn't like the idea that another person felt that the Batman '89 logo was an instantly recognizable icon.

It may not be perfect, but it's the best comment system we have.  For now.

When I was 16, my driving instructor was also a bodyguard (he said) Jimmy Jam or Terry Lewis, one of those two, I can't remember.  He said he met Vanilla Ice, just before he blew up, and was introduced to him this way: "You know how some young stars think they can talk with God? Well, this guy thinks he IS God…"

He was the reason behind-the-scenes that Obama was elected in 2008.

I did not know they had a Rifftrax for this movie and I have to possess it NOW!!!

They couldn't even spell their own name correctly.  I'm sure their research abilities were substandard.

Beck's "Sea Change" is an album that I can't really listen to unless I'm in a bad mood, because if I'm happy, it just makes me sad.  And if I'm sad, it just makes it worse, so I have to be careful then, too.