Erik E Erik

We watched "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" in health class to finish a unit on mental health. The eruption from the boys when Jack talked about "that big red beaver" tempting him was about as loud as you'd imagine.

It Is Approaching That Time to learn the names of Miles Davis albums.


I have the DVDs, and the streaming is at least 720. It looks a lot better than the DVDs, so I'm sure that, if they wanted to do Blu Rays, they could up the quality a little. I've heard that they are going to reissue old X-Files on Blu ray, so why not something that doesn't have to be upconverted while still in 1.33

Before it crapped out last night, it was at 240, which I think is VHS-level resolution (just checked— it is).

I'm gonna be contrarian: This has always been my favorite Slayer album, over Reign in Blood. The songs seem to breathe a little better (that might be mixing, but I hear Lombardo much clearer on this), the opener and closer are about as good as you can get, and I like that, between songs, there's less than a second of

He was also in the Sopranos, as a guy who taught chess to his kids, or at least someone's kids. And Omar's smart. Maybe it was the same character.

Yeah, and you missed how it represented unironic awesomeness during the 80s. Just like how I missed how "You Got The Touch" from Boogie Nights was actually a real song, and not just an example of Dirk Diggler being coked out of his gourd.

And, if you wanted to watch it last night, you couldn't have. Stupid service outage. I finally get my wife to commit to starting Breaking Bad and it cuts off when Walter goes home to his surprise birthday party.

The only people I can assume are even remotely interested in this probably own at least one of the Jackass movies on DVD.

Well, Catherine Keener can soon be welcomed to the exclusive club of Oscar-nominated individuals who also have acting credits as 80-year old women whose clothes repeatedly fall off in public.

Chokecherry, of course.

He's gonna break out his new finishing move, the widowermaker. Which is just a syringe of steroids.

Does anyone else miss the conversion from primitive, single-cell organisms to complex, multi-celled organisims? Because I think about that all the time.

What's going to happen to my Streampix account?

Talking bad about NuDisqus? That's a downvotin' for sure!

You were asking for it.

Still waiting for the Pusha T review. Someone told me that "hip hop releases are a week behind". That was a total smoke screen!

Ana Ng is my favorite musician in his band.

Genetic diseases commonly associated with inbreeding will be the REAL fall of the Jedi.