Erik E Erik

Horsefellow was crazy from the start. And had only made something like 100 comments.

Yeah, Dukie's descent, along with how Namond survives, is really a damning critique on how the system can be capable of turning any troubled kid around if it puts forth the resources, and yet allow anyone with gifts and talents to slide through if it turns a blind eye.  My wife kept talking about adopting a foster kid

That simply was her attempt to hide her extensive drug use from one of
her ex-husbands, because she believed traces could be detected in human
hair.  It might be better classified as "drug-induced paranoia".  Well, I concede that it's actually pretty close to madness.

Even with the updated PSX and GBA re-releases, they realized it was really confusing and renumbered both this and FFV.

It's NOT that stupid file cabinet story. That's what the mainstream media WANTS you to think.  The whole story is an allegory about the switch to the gold standard, and the magical land of Oz has already adopted it, Oz = ounce, the unit of measurement for gold; it's all right there!!!

It's good you guys didn't lose your gangsta cred after writing a Ninja Turtles song like Vanilla Ice did.

Well, the day he jumped his motorcycle over a fence and made a girl get tossed from her horse has to at least be up in the top 5 of best days.

I thought that AV Club already meant "American Values Club"? You mean it doesn't have American Values? Well, I'm going to WorldNetDaily now.

You are one sick puppy.

Silly @avclub-bb0b7438f271b0e808c92b613a2d3926:disqus, with the amount of albums he puts out, Kevin Barnes cannot reject anything ever!

Oh, I just said that above before arriving here, and much later than you, but I agree on all accounts. 

That's one of the best album openers around. 

Read "Freakonomics", which was good, except for the fact that the "updated" version was just excepts from the blog, where they visit Google, for example. It was like that episode of the Simpsons where the autobiography of Bart contains excerpts from the Oliver North trial.

Their characterization of Paul Schrader as a hyperdriven lunatic simply because he didn't see a movie until he was in his late teens. It had almost no real basis, and yet, as much as they went back to it during that episode, it didn't get old.

I give it three wormy boners.

My favorite bits are any of the Star Wars bits they have done. My dream was never Marmaduke; my dream is for them to do Episode 1.

The thing I love the most about Elliott's brother is that he gets upset even at the possibility it might be his brother, and then you can hear the relaxation in his voice when it isn't.

It's a common thing I've heard on that show where something cracks them up for up to ten seconds that isn't that funny to me. They should just do the whole show as impressions, like the Futurama cast doing Star Wars, because those can be genuinely funny.

See, I agree totally. I think the impersonations are great, really great at times, but they laugh at their own jokes way too much, and there's few memorable bits. I listened to them do Indiana Jones 4 and I'm trying to remember one nugget from it. I can recite to you three different parts of the Harry Plinkett

Some white musk would clear that smell out.