Max Webb

My theory & hope- Ep 4 next season will be another Rafi and Randy episode, being a year after this one and Rafi's death will be explained and undone.  

The casting of Jeff Kober as a dodgy gun seller is surly an FX in joke as he is better known as Hale in Sons Of Anarchy where he spends all of his time trying to get a gang of dodgy gun sellers out of Charming.

On paper it should be a great show, it's what the writers are putting on the non-proverbial paper they are writing the scripts on that's letting it down. It seems like the show runner thinks that a second season is a foregone conclusion, so instead of telling a one story he's putting all these other characters as part

Much as I love Giamatti, he's no Fred Ward. Bring back Fred Ward, prime time TV and the world as a whole needs more Fred Ward. Fred Ward.

This man is doing an amazing job of ensuring the big screen adaption of his most famous work is boycotted by just about everyone. Even fellow members of 'The Church of Latter Day Racist Homophobes' have to be weighing up the pros and cons of going to see Ender's Game against being pelted with shit on their way into

For me Dexter and The Sopranos have and did go and gone on too long, the middle seasons of both just were just retreading water they had already swam in.

Those Eagleton types are clearly too snobby to have themselves an Andy. Arseholes.

If every episode was like this weeks. An hour long TV show, done in real time about the production of an hour long TV news show, it really would take it from a show I really like to a show I really love.
This episode showed that they can cover all the bases that Sorkin clearly wants to cover, it had wit, emotion,

I will say that out of professional courtesy between makers of TV shows about moral reprehensible characters, they should have waited for Dexter's final season to finish. Walt's bold strides towards his sunset just highlight the sad and pitiful way that Dex limps towards his own.

With this and Noah on the way is the Bible the new Marvel. If so maybe the second coming will come about when JC comes back to appear in Stan Lee-esque cameos.

Best option to avoid all controversy and cement the US fan base. African American Woman. For a nutty Doc, Macy Grey she's great in 'Training Day' and it's been a while since anyone brought her music. For a stoney faced harsh Doc, CCH Pounder.

Lost interest about a minute in. Like '24' every season that follows the first just seems to undermine what made us love it in the first place.

I hadn't heard they were making a Magnum PI film. Why must they fuck with the formula, always thought John Walters would make a excellent Higgins, but no they had to go and make him a computer program voiced by Scarlett J.

I watched the Cheers where Cliff went on Jeopardy the other night on normal TV, old school or what?

He really is the musical equivalent of Tarantino. They both have the deluded belief that by ripping off musicians/film makers that most people haven't heard of means that they themselves created it.

It's old real world, history in fact, you either missed it or just forgot about it. Or  like me are too young to know about it, I googled it, I like to do my research before posting my random theories on TV shows.

Next month and next year respectively.

I think the deeper meaning is that these are all characters who will play some part in the final episodes.
Although the Skyler and Walt one is probably just them burying Walt Jnr after he dies from doing some of his Dad's sweet arse meth.

Week one prediction. Genoa plot line will play out like Tailwind, but they will be proved right at the 11th hour. Because if not one out of Will, Mac or Charlie will have to be fired. For me those 3 are doing the heavy lifting acting-wise. Sorkin's dialogue sounds better the better the actor whos mouth it's coming out

This season really isn't about Dexter anymore. He will end the season dead, in prison, or free. It's about the other characters, and the part they play in where he ends up which will determine where they themselves end up too.
I think this is apt as the characters around Dexter are the reason that the show has gone on