Max Webb

He and we need to accept that Community died after season 2, 

Thats quite the lame arsed cash-in by people that don't know what they are cashing in on ever.

It's sad that it's taken until the penultimate eposides for them to realize the way to fill the Michael Scott void was to trust in the strength of the 3 strongest supporting characters. The 3 charcters that helped define and give humour to Michael in the first place. It seems pretty simple when you consider that the

'AVENGERS, just chill the fuck out.'

The Mad Men comparison is spot on. Both first seasons have a confidence about them, a knowingness that this is just the start of a story. But The Americans has a something about it that suggests it's creators and writers have a pretty clear vision of where that story is heading. This has allowed them to take there

He made the mistake of sticking with his day job.

I heartily agree, complete change of pace by making it a sit-com.

They should get him to dance for the offical video.

Does Ridley Scott have dibs on the rights to every post apocalyptic novel published? He spent a few million on the rights to the passage already. 

Got to say I think the show is going from strength to strength, the actors seem to be growing into their characters. And the writers seem to be getting a sense of where it's going. The Sopranos comparison is a good one as both shows center on people whose jobs make them do terrible things, commit murder and have to

are living through a golden age of American TV. The reason for this in
large part is due to TV companies shedding the notion of genre, as
Hollywood did in it's golden age of the 70s. This has allowed the
creation of great shows about bikers, zombies, ad men, vampires, and
chemistry teachers making crystal meth.

This story is surly an Adam Sandler movie waiting to happen.

Merle took the phone for the wire which played such and important part in the episode, I can only guess that he didn't just take the wire is because he didn't have anything handy to cut it from the phone with, I don't the knife on the end of arm or something.
Rick was quite the dumb ass though, To be generous and read

Peter Jackson is the master of Trilogies he's turned The Hobbit which a short book into three films. He could potentailly turn 3 films into 9 films and easily recoup Disney's investment.  

Peter Jackson is the master of Trilogies he's turned The Hobbit which a short book into three films. He could potentailly turn 3 films into 9 films and easily recoup Disney's investment.