
If it's the apes from Candy Apple Island, it won't be as bad.

Paul Kinsey = John Rutsey

Because the internet allows for it, who's who in the '27 Yankees/SCDPCGC comparison? (Incomplete list, feel free to add.)

(through mouthful of food) Hmrph?

All I have left is five dollars, St. James' Place, and this stupid picture of Uncle Wiggly!

With Fisher Stevens as…wait…an Indian guy???

Even Ed Sullivan had The Doors on in 1967. The Mod Squad and Hawaii Five-O debuted in fall of '68
Wow, so did 60 Minutes.

CCCP: Harry will be in charge of the logo, which will end up being yellow type on a red background, and he'll have no idea why everyone hates it. Pete will then shoot him with his musket, and Ken will tap dance on his corpse.

Freedom Rock?!? TURN IT UP, MAN!

You'd go to Mordor on a dare, and you'd go it alone….

Uh oh, Bobbo's been eating….Yappy's Dog Treats!

Yo Mr. White, that was Combo that got killed, not Badger, yo.

I prefer "preauxgrayymme"

Don't forget Joe Namath was on the Dow Chemicals Song and Dance Napalm Spectacular.

David Bowie, for one

Stan's beard is goddamned majestic

"Hey, I didn't order….oooh, ok, I suppose I did."

Also, he spelled Yale with a 6

She can cook the fancy French stuff for special occasions, but yeah, otherwise she's useless.