
Due to award shows, vacations, and general disinterest, tonight's guests on Tricking Bad are…uh…the lady manager from Los Pollos, and..uh..the homeless guy Jesse gave all that money to.

Maybe that's what ICP didn't understand, which makes a little more sense.

He's right! We're just like what he says!

You should check out that dinosaur movie, too. I think it's called "Billy and the Clonosaurus"


To have less of something, it has to have had something to begin with

If it's Ron Santo, I'm interested

(character name) dies on the way back to (his/her) home planet.

How many Sonics? Runza's?

Apparently you didn't read this, but on October 17, 2015, all Redbox machines in existence will become self-aware.

One winter night my brother and I picked up a couple VHS tapes from a local store - The Conversation, and a Maynard Ferguson concert video. Nothing unusual (at least in my house). Went to return them two nights later - the store was GONE. Completely empty. There was no indication that the store was closing before that

I got a Gomer Pyle, USMC notification for this?

At this point I think Matt LeBlanc's next role might actually be Dr. Drake Remoray on Days of our Lives

Except now that he's outed himself as the Zodiac Killer, that might cause problems with advertisers.

SIx actually. Original album was Young Man Blues, Substitute, Shakin' All over, Summertime Blues, My Generation, and Magic Bus

It ended with people bitching about Low Winter Sun

Meryl Streep

I got a Breaking Bad notification for this?

Or ESPN's John Clayton

I thought Rob! was cancelled long ago