
There's no other explanation for how the Mets won the '69 World Series otherwise. Come on, ART SHAMSKY hit cleanup for half the season.

Or if Randy Watson had been one of the policemen

We're due for a Michael Winslow renaissance in this country.

Before Lane died, I *think* Joan and Pete were 10% each. That left 80% among Roger, Burt, Don, and Lane. For sake of simplicity let's call them all equal at 20% (more likely that's not the case, but whatever).

Bob Benson is who Pete Campbell thinks he is.

Wow, it's even worse than I've heard?

Exhibit A: Driver's Seat
Exhibit B: Fooled Around and Fell in Love
Exhibit C: The entire Rahad Jackson sequence which I forgot was Alfred Molina and holy shit was that scary and amazing because you have no idea what the hell is going to happen and JESUS CHRIST HE HAS A SHOTGUN and oh my god I have to go do more coke be

Wait, I thought Skyler fucked Ted.

Warning; do not take with laudanum.

I think Ted being a near-equal scares the hell out of Don now, and it won't end well for one of them.

I prefer turkey burgers, by which I mean a turkey leg surrounded by a hamburger.

I'd pay five bees to see this, maybe eight if there's a newsreel, but no more.

I hope we get one more episode before the RFK assassination, so Ted can work in one last..er..uh…impression of..er…Bawby Kennedy….cawling for uh..Dawn Drapuh.

Interestingly, Nixon was the front-runner for the Republican nomination almost from the get-go. The issue was that Goldwater got DESTROYED in '64 by a still-popular LBJ, so no one took the GOP seriously anymore on a national level. If Kennedy had survived, he would most likely have won the presidency in a close race.

At least Hamm lost to Bryan Cranston, though. It's like the Giants in the 60's with Marichal, McCovey, Mays, etc., always finishing second to the Dodgers or Cardinals. It doesn't make them any less great, just unlucky.

I gave up on the Emmys when Walt Goggins got shut out for Shane Vendrell (not even a nomination) in the last season of The Shield. The fall of Shane Vendrell is one of the greatest TV arcs in drama history, but no, two people from Boston Legal had to get nominated instead.

No more than GM should drop its recognition of Gen. Cornelius J. Motors.

Which itself came from two brands of cigarettes, one more popular than the other.

z) Pretty much to set up the need for a merger
k) Yes
p) A ghost who likes whorin' as much as Pete

Played by Tommy Lee Jones. Hey, who says the wormhole doesn't go back to Detroit circa 1911?
BTW according to Wikipedia, Tommy Lee Jones was born 58 years old.