
You know why I like actin' in these Christopher Nolan films, bloke? 
I may be gettin' older, but these Oscar-nominated actresses stay the same age…

Is it too late to save DeNiro? Look at Gene Hackman as an example. He had some stinkers toward the end of his career, but he did give us Royal Tenenbaum, one of his greatest performances as well. Maybe Silver Linings Playbook will end up being that for DeNiro, but I hope not.

Mrs. Bivins: "Jesus, Michael, the news here…Chris Kelly is dead…Do you know about this?"
Biv: "It's over. We're safe"
Mrs. Bivins (quietly) "Michael, was this you? What happened?"
Biv: "I won."
Alex Vanderpool Era 1, Cross Colours 0.

And after this, I have to watch Weird Al's "Smells Like Nirvana" video. Maybe the best thing he's ever done.

Joaquin Phoenix?

The sea is foamin' like a bottle of beer.

Joaquin Phoenix

We do have Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood on PBS, which is a cartoon with all the kids of the make-believe characters. Apparently, Lady Elaine hooked up with a black dude.

It's one thing to be outwardly racist and insensitive, and another to at least appear to be tolerant for the purpose of your own self-image. 
A conversation between Pete and Dawn would be more awkward than Joan's shoulder-boob hug.

As long as Vanilla Ice is there to play Bill Clinton at the end, I'm down.

And instead of waiting in line for the phones, we're waiting for Twitter to catch up.

Pete has his boundaries, and people acting inappropriately in any fashion is a big one. Whether or not he actually believes it, he knows by 1968 that what Harry said is insensitive, and knows that calling him on it was the right move, be it self-serving or altruistic. Pete's ancestors go back a long way in New York,

Next week on Mad Men: Cooper squares off with union boss Bob Benson

Thankfully before the blackface routine this time

and get constantly outmatched by Adam Levine on The Voice.

Most of my memories with my dad during my high school years involve him taking my brother and me to the movies. The Fugitive, Jurassic Park, Cliffhanger, Hot Shots Part Deux!, and 8-time Academy Award winner On Deadly Ground.

It's not really expressed on the show, but Don may be struggling that he's no longer even the provider for his kids. That said, at least he doesn't beat them, plus he took Bobby to see Planet of the Apes (twice)!. My dad took me to see Major League when I was 10.

There's something about Harry: he's from Wisconsin, and not the East Coast. Unless he's from inner-city Milwaukee, he probably grew up in an all-white town, which might explain his attitudes toward "them". My mom and her siblings would be roughly the same age growing up there, a little younger maybe, and while my

That's okay, Harry Crane couldn't tell them apart either.

Can I play the piano anymore?