Levon Monies

Most Uneccessary.


"Singing 'Mad About The Boy' to Roman Polanski," and looking damn good doing it!

Yeah, I figured as much.

Binary thinking keep your brain from overheating?

If I donate, do I get a roadblock made of corpses named after me?

"Haiti"? "Incompetence"? "Corruption"? Well, shet my mouth.

"Dahmer" on YouTube:

Seems to me "Precious" has to win SOMETHING.
I say Pi'gface gets Best Performance by an Actress In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture.

She'll grasp at any straw.

5 Reggae CDs is 4 more than anyone needs.

"Fearless" can be streamed from Netflix.

Yet another tedious variation on "A Bunch of Things We Like That Have Nothing Much in Common Except Our Liking Them." Only thing more tiresome than this sort of article is the attached comments section.


"Predictable"? "Friends"? Well shet my mouth!

Turturro and Bridges have much more extensive interaction in "Fearless" than they do in "Big Lebowski."

The crazy faces lose something on CD.

Lopez shouts his material persuasively and makes crazy faces, too.

Let us not forget Stiller's fine, low-key work in "Your Friends and Neighbors."