Levon Monies

You presume incorrectly, Mesotheleona Helmsley.
And Stowaway just took the words out of my mouth. I do have a stronger-than-average Renner admiration, though, I think. I saw the film primarily to see him. I never really could see what the fuss was about Bigelow. I'm prepared to take my lumps for saying that.

Just about perfect. The only film I saw last year I'm still haunted by.

Everybody who has never seen "Fearless"
…Should make a point of seeing "Fearless" really soon.

Being "taken out of" American Beauty is a favor you should be thankful for!

Why that old scalliwag has a heart of tarnished gold!
Thank you for making darn sure I didn't miss that, Mr. Narrator.
I'm a bit slow on the uptake, and incapable of reading Hackman's facial expressions.

I've never thought of Thompson as a Cool Guy Beating The System or a monster. He's just a particular kind of comedian to me. And his particular literary voice is part and parcel of his appeal.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Watching Gilliam depict the stuff Thompson talks about and listening to Thompson talk about them are two very different things. In fact, skip the movie altogether and go read the book.

For the record, I did not hit "post" twice.

The main problem with the film is that the makers don't allow Cera's character to be full-on despicable, even though he does a few things that are blatantly inexcusable. I was bothered that I felt I was still expected to be on the side of the protag, was still basically expected to have an affectionate attitude

The main problem with the film is that the makers don't allow Cera's character to be full-on despicable, even though he does a few things that are blatantly inexcusable. I was bothered that I felt I was still expected to be on the side of the protag, was still basically expected to have an affectionate attitude

Worth seeing
for Fred Willard alone.

Worth seeing
for Fred Willard alone.

"Kill, Fuck, Eat.."
A "Dead Man" rip.

Here's a Vic Chesnutt tune I've always enjoyed. Kind of on the cheery end of the spectrum for him:

I believed his melancholy material plenty well enough. What a classic Christmas bummer.

Aren't rap album covers
SUPPOSED to look tasteless, garish, badly designed? I say they should have been disqualified from this category.

Adaptation = Lifetime pass from me.

Oswalt says, "Boy…" and we get a picture of Boy George.
That's a corker.

one is the Holocaust documentary?

Good catch. The average story problem must be a cinch for you.