Levon Monies

"The Wife" and "What Happened Was…" both made me uncomfortable in a way I crave.

Does Mariah make that whale blowhole noise in this flick?

Gabby ain't never turned down a piece of cake in her life.

"…the artist part of being a filmmaker was simply knowing when it was right to put something in without really knowing exactly why… "

No. No he doesn't.

No he doesn't.

It was a long time coming, but someone (teadoust) finally found something fresh to say about this thoroughly flogged dead horse (Tyler Perry).

Saw Steve Buscemi on the subway in June, doing his damnedest not to look like Steve Buscemi.

I would have said "unflagging" dedication.
What is "unerring" dedication, anyway?

I once stood less than a foot from Leonard Cohen while he talked to someone else. The top of his head was beneath my nose, and I'm not tall.

Leonard Pierce, where'd your interview with humor writer Ellis Weiner appear? He's extremely funny. I once wrote him a fan letter telling him how much I enjoyed a NatLamp piece; he wrote back to ask me who I was, then again to tell me "don't do that" (write him fan letters).

Christ: can this fuck possibly get any more arch?

"mouth of a lion"?
Eat me.

Doesn't this film unabashedly depict Jews
as whiny and paranoid?

Conversely, upper-middle-class art fags from the cushy suburbs around Detroit like to say they are "from" Detroit.

If you use the vocabulary of a mildly retarded teenager ironically, you still sound like a mildly retarded teenager to me, because I don't know anything about how cool and smart you are in real life.

"It's like watching Pee Wee Herman pick a fight with the Hulk."

Do you entertain at children's parties?

Tough talk on the internet. I'm shaking.

Ouch! Good one.