
That was, indeed, the first thing I grabbed out of my suitcase that morning.

The word limits are an unfortunate side effect of having to collapse this into two weeks from the TOB's four. Next week's matches will have more room to play out.

When making the brackets, I actually figured comedies would do BETTER, because they generally operate better as standalones. Yes, Girls has had a slightly easier bracket, but "Beach House" is also basically a one-act play, which is helping it.

Yes! That is literally the reasoning behind the TOB, which we have copied closely.

That was written a few weeks ago.

Next Friday's What's On Tonight will be Frank Fisticuffs' final battle.

Nah. My last story for them will run in October. It sounds like I'm kidding, but I'm not.

My first day at Vox, I'm storming into Ezra Klein's office. "If you don't let me run a kittens vertical, I QUIT." "Okay, Todd." "WHAT?!" "I like kittens, too." "WELL, I'M STILL ANGRY!"

Eh, not really. It's just a play on TV On The Radio, who's one of our favorite bands.

Your cat doesn't?

Don't worry. Today is the only day you'll have to put up with me.

That kitten is going to kill so many birds in the name of its unholy mistress, Taylor Swift. And she's going to think it's cute. "Aw. You brought me a present!" *another species falls to extinction, thanks to Taylor Swift*

Just like it's spelled.

I remember noticing my initials were TV and being kind of excited by that when I was 7 or 8, but that was also when I wasn't allowed to watch much, if any, TV, so I don't know how much of an influence it was.

I've actually been pleasantly surprised by Amazon's movie selection. But I tend to go looking for classics more than anything.

Nah. I just find the whole "But why isn't it on Netflix?!" thing tiresome. Nobody asks why Game Of Thrones isn't on Showtime, and this is basically the same thing.

I slide across the hood, then crawl across the console to be able to drive, too. That, or I go the long way around the car, approach from the passenger side, then slide the other way, so that I end up by the driver-side door. I'm nothing if not a glory-hog.

Nerd Curious will HOPEFULLY live on in book form. Keep those fingers crossed.

I really do need my own Vance and/or Coy Duke.

"Dy-no-mite!" said Petyr Baelish, also known as Littlefinger.