
As the review points out, there are numerous structural similarities with Mad Men. The characters fulfill enormously similar functions and don't really break new ground or head in their own directions.

I believe he says in the first episode that he's a Jew, and then it's heavily implied he is here.

Once is a really great little show. It's definitely thought about how to make the movie into a stage show.

Yeah, that got bungled in editing. I'll fix it.

The idea is that it's more about tone than anything else. Another season might be set in Florida or Arizona or Hawaii. So long as quirky small-town crime is involved, it's a season of Fargo.

There should have been a Eurovision episode of Borgen.

Massively profitable.

You may be very happy come 9 a.m. Central.

I plan on doing an omnibus entry for shows that hit 95, 96, 97, 98, and 99 episodes someday. But technically, yeah, it has to have hit 100 episodes.

We probably won't ever do Cheers again. Though I'm working on something this summer that will have a Cheers focus at one point!

I was always between HSB and Lost, and Lost is almost certainly going to draw more views. For the good of the feature as a whole, I chose to do that.

Gilmore will be back. Since David is working elsewhere now, we've had to move them further back in the schedule.

Nah, if you were going to write for us, we would pay you. Not paying you would establish too dangerous of a precedent.

I should have clarified that a bit. When those two boys first appeared, that was my thought. When she kisses him, there are different dynamics at play.

If Zack doesn't want to, we have, like, six staff writers who are champing at the bit to do it. It will happen one way or another!

We plan to do Fawlty Towers at some point.

Moonlighting, alas, did not run 100 episodes. It didn't even really get close. I plan to do a TV Club 10 at some point.

I think somebody would have to give him the money, sadly.

Weiner is my white whale. I nearly had him for season five, and then the timing didn't work out because he had to go make a movie.

Actually New Testament spoilers. Gospel of John gets fucking DARK.