

A couple of us had seen this when we made that pick. I still think Takiawase is a better standalone.

It's a pun that got eliminated in editing. Silence On The Lam. It has been fixed!

Do read the interview, where Fuller comments on this very thing!

This A is compared to the Mad Men A-, yes, though the pieces are written by different reviewers. Unlike with TV Club (where shows are graded against themselves), TV Reviews are graded against all of TV. So I think Hannibal is one of TV's very best shows (though not THE best).

Game Of Thrones has been feeling increasingly disconnected from itself to me this year, but I often feel that way around the season's midpoint, then find myself brought back around by the final handful of episodes.

I don't think anybody nominated "Scott Porter"!

My suspicion is that the two will be two out of Mad Men, Community, and Doctor Who. But I'd love to be proved wrong!

There were further nominations for White Bear later on. I actually prefer other episodes nominated, but White Bear had by far the most support from you guys.

We're not, as it's eligible for the Emmys this year, but it's basically a TV movie, so I don't think it counts.

I think we can bend the rules for a show that aired new episodes of one season across three calendar years.

Maybe your life isn't set in stone at 30, but you have a greatly narrowed range of opportunities. Does that make sense? Like, I'm 33, and I could, conceivably, make the shift into acting if I really wanted to (I don't), but it's highly unlikely I'll suddenly become a Major League pitcher or a rock star.

We generally catch this stuff in our copy edits, but those happen after the article's been live for a couple of hours. So it's a bit of a catch-22!

Yep. Because I'm writing Game Of Thrones anyway, which is the higher priority because it has a higher readership.

Well, the thing about CBS is that it gives its creators a lot of latitude if the show is a hit. And since HIMYM was so important to their brand, I think they would have been very comfortable with that latitude.

I really think Gerwig could have done wonders in a multi-cam, and I think the HIMYM team was the right team to protect her and translate her charm to TV. I'm hopeful it gets picked up elsewhere.

I think Myles' point above is astute: In and of himself, Bruce isn't a bad source of laughs. It's that the show uses him as narrator, thereby subtly placing the entirety of its existence within his point-of-view. And for as much as the sexist pig is a useful comedic character, almost none of the shows ABOUT a sexist

I was this way about episodes five AND six. I had really been digging it up until that point, but those two just pushed it over the top for me, as things started to really tighten up.

I am genuinely surprised how much people seem to hate it because it gets talked about a lot. But, then, I don't read gossip sites or anything like that.

It's code for whatever you want it to be. *smiles knowingly*