
It's not true YET. But we'll make it happen! Start a Change.org petition!

This news is proof that God exists and wants me to be happy. Not you, though. It's never you.

Wouldn't it have been amazing if he'd just ended the episode by breaking out into some Peter, Paul, and Mary out of nowhere?

We cast around for someone to drop in for the finale, but nobody on our staff was keeping up with it. (I think El Rey is an extreme boutique channel in a lot of cable packages, so this makes sense.)

The pilot for Tyrant is sort of amazing in that it told me virtually nothing about what the show was going to be. It was the most premise-y premise pilot imaginable.

We will do what we always do, which is cover a few of the new shows and mostly take long naps.

OK, we're doing these for three shows.

I had that thought right after watching this too, but decided Molly must live. The season so consciously mirrors Molly and Malvo (and Gus off Lester, come to think of it) that I think it collapses without one of the four.

Don't tempt me like this.

I will be so amused if it's eliminated first up.

"Beach House" was actually the only Girls episode nominated, but it was nominated by multiple people.

OK, yes, we meant to do "Takiawase," episode four. But we had six different episodes nominated, more than any other show, so I just grabbed the wrong one.

We're a bit restricted in which TOB items we can and can't use (we're not using the zombie round, for instance, and using this instead). I mean, I suppose we just could, but we want to make this more of its own thing and not a one-for-one copy. So using staffers is part of figuring out what this looks like for now. We

Actually, Mad Fat made it a ways in our initial discussions. It is eligible!

Oops, I might have input the wrong episode title here. Let me check.

Gallagher is not beyond reproach?! ALL OF MY CHILDHOOD ILLUSIONS, SHATTERED.

In general, if Erik, Sonia, or I are covering something, we will keep doing so until we lose interest. And we always give you some warning before pulling a feature. This is just upfronts week, so we have all been swamped.

Yesssssss. Relevant to my interests.

We reviewed both earlier in the season and, thus, opted not to catch up again at the end. But suffice to say those opinions we had earlier (both of which gave the shows A-'s) still hold.

We'll do a full fall TV preview in September.