
We wouldn't do that without seeing pilots.

Certainly Fargo could end in a vastly unsatisfying way. But I'm saying even the reaction I'm having to it now is very different from the reaction I had to True Detective as it was airing (and I generally liked that show's finale).

I don't know whether to feel justified in being slightly underwhelmed by True Detective or slighted for really liking Hamlet. THANKS A LOT, T.S. ELIOT.

I realize it's silly for me to say this, but it's, ultimately, just a TV show. A wonderful, beautiful, silly TV show, but still just a TV show. I worry about you and don't want you to tie your self-worth to keeping these shows on the air, because that's not something you should be asked to do. That's the

I don't go to upfronts, sadly.

Somebody there once explained the distinction, and it made sense to me. But it was still dumb.

Technically, Anger Management is not an FX Production. It airs on FX, but it's produced by a separate production house, and they pay the license fee.

When FX makes mistakes, it tends to be on the comedy side, where it often confuses OUTRAGEOUSNESS with actual humor. I mean, they're also capable of some of TV's best shows on that side. But they seem to have a weird idea of what America wants some of the time.

It really turned into a tight little sitcom in the back half of its first season. I suspect it will get even better in year two.

The finale had no impact.

Original flavor CSI was actually kind of a critical darling for four or five years before it slowly sank into nothingness. And it got some nice reviews for Ted Danson's first few episodes.

There's a caption that identifies both actors?

Well, I believe ABC abandoned Wednesday sitcoms for a while in the mid-00s, so there's no longer a long-running bloc ANYwhere.

We could see it THIS fall. CBS' option on it expires at midnight.

Yes. Regardless of thoughts on its quality (which is awful), the show looked like it was going to be CBS' new comedy hit for most of its first two seasons. And then it fell apart.

Somebody's going to pick this up. The upside is too high for it. My guess is ABC.

Some days, you think, it's the Golden Age of Television; I sure am lucky to be a TV critic. Other days, you think, I miss the early 90s syndication market.

I guarantee if we somehow got this show on the air and played it completely straight, it would be a huge hit.

We wrapped it in with the schedule announcement this morning.