
Scorpion really needs to be about a hair metal band by night, group pursuing vigilante justice when it gets even later. (They sleep during the day.)

There have been many studies on this. The vast majority of TV shows are canceled before they get to 13 episodes, but the percentage is getting smaller over time.

Yeah, I'm down in Long Beach. We often have the coolest temperatures in LA County, due to geographical position on the coast. But, yes, it has been WAY TOO HOT for this time of year.

It's part one of the wedding episode, which I believe was originally planned as a one-hour thing and is now two half-hours, because ABC needed the extra week of good ratings.

Right. I get that's the dramatic purpose, but it functionally ends the episode, so it's meant to sum up the episode for the audience, too. And on that level, it's disappointing.

Both it and Mad Men haven't really gone through their re-evaluations yet. That will come sometime soon.

Dick Wolf's Synecdoche, IL.

'90s should be in that argument, too, really.

If Dick Wolf gets his way, the entire schedule will be the intricate inner workings of the city of Chicago.

Indeed it was. Ugh. I even went and found the blog post he was talking about, and it was the most ridiculous bullshit I've ever read.

CSI is reaching that stage of its life ER got to, where it's obvious that the network should let it go, but the network is also petrified of how long it will take to find a replacement. Shit, NBC STILL hasn't found a way to replace ER!

I like True Detective and find it very bold, but I think I've thought about it MAYBE once since it ended. It hasn't hung with me like Fargo does from week to week, and I think it's, yeah, the way that TD's sensibility was, ultimately, gravely serious. Fargo seems more like a parable, a story meant to mean something,

I think Molly trespassing is another indication of the show's morality setup. Molly will get Lester, but only once she follows the rules. She won't find the murder weapon that easily.

I'm guessing CBS will hold Battle Creek for January and run it straight through. Really, it would be kind of cool if it spelled Good Wife for a while. An easy way for the network to make noise on a night where it doesn't too often.

I was really thinking that CBS would put a new drama on Thursdays at 9, but I'm guessing they won't want to enter that potential bloodbath (it's the first time I can think of in years when CBS will be running scared from a timeslot!), and comedies will make for cheap counterprogramming. The REAL question is if they

I think it's a BIT cooler where I am, but it is still unreasonable. If this is what global warming is like, I am buying a goddamn sulfur machine and pouring it into the sky until we get some cloud cover back.

He had a dog on his TV show. In the theatrical shorts, he had a nephew.

Next week is. When they kiss, the camera will cut away to a wide variety of tweets disgusted at Michael Sam having kissed his boyfriend on live television, before going to Eric Stonestreet leaning against a desk in a library, hands folded in his lap. "Homophobia is no laughing matter," he'll say. "Get educated with

Yep. And setting that up in the back-end is up to the individual reviewer. There's no appreciable difference in page views.

This is actually just up to the individual reviewer, and I guess Sonia likes them that way.