Dr. Retarded

Yes, they have more money.

I did a double take when I saw it because the other site had a feature about food in movies, on the same movie with the same header image. They're sufficiently different though.


Werner Herzog is basically the epitome of compassion. I really don't know where you got trolling. Maybe Even Dwarves could possibly qualify, if you don't really see where he's coming from?

Told your fucking ass.

And the doc went on to explain that this woman, who looked as fertile as the Tennessee Valley, could bear no young. Her insides were a rocky place where my seed could find no purchase.

Two of my favorites that aren't Kurosawa or Ozu: Ballad of Narayama (1958) and The Woman in the Dunes.

I've only seen eight:
1. Before Midnight
2. Frances Ha
3. Upstream Color
4. No
5. Stories We Tell
6. Much Ado About Nothing
7. Side Effects
8. Mama

Are you really not MovieGenius on Letterboxd?

Oh, I misread you. I think that's likely. Mrs. S was probably an original scientist, maybe the mother, and had a crisis of conscience and so hid away with one of the clones. I don't disagree with you that the plotting has been predictable and may continue to be, but personally I don't care so much as the character

It was a pretty good death, shot right through Paul Simonon's bass.

I don't think if Mrs. S kidnapped Kira. Why would the house be all torn up? I suppose Kira could have sixth sensed that something was wrong and there was a chase, but that seems somewhat improbable. I think it was Rachel when she ominously said "you know what to do."

She just wants her kid back.

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus I didn't mean to downplay Cosima's real emotional attachment or even Delphine's, but it still wasn't a smart relationship at all.

I think Cosima's just as in the wrong as Delphine. She made a pass at Delphine knowing that she couldn't say no or else she would risk her monitorship. But, I think she sees how stupid that was, and hopefully she's leaving for Toronto to redeem herself.

The whole battle strategy really didn't make sense. Why are all the slayers on the front line, leaving only those without superpowers to guard the entrances against the hordes that make it above ground? How are Anya and Andrew or Xander and Dawn going to stop the ubervamps?

The second season should introduce the male counterpart clones, so we could get four Gjokaj to join forces with the four Maslanies.

I didn't realize how much I missed Alison last week.

I think it would be great if Ainsley turns out to be her watcher. It'd be like a double triple reverse red herring times ten, but plotting wise I'm not sure if I have that much faith in the show's subtlety. Still, the relationships between the clones like you said have been incredible so however many predictable plot