legally concrete blonde

I am so happy Major Crimes is back. Now with weekly Fritz!

That spineless little punk is always punch worthy.

I miss our Supernatural discussions here. I tend to watch it on a more superficial level than some viewers; I mostly treat it as a fun, if sometimes bleak, show. But the in-depth conversation that occurred in the AVC comments gave me a lot of insight.

I love Supernatural. I'll continue to watch it until the boys roll off into the sunset in their wheelchairs. And I agree with you re: Ackles. He's immensely talented. In the wrong hands, Dean Winchester could have just been a raging asshole, but Ackles has given him so much depth. He's truly underappreciated (other

Hudson University got fed up with all the bad press.

She's a total control freak. I'm not saying that's an unforgivable thing. I think most people have those tendencies. But it's her biggest problem, especially on a show like TC, which requires flexibility and thinking on your feel.

No. He's pretty much an asshole, as far as I can tell.

I feel ya. I've been annoyed, even pissed off, about some of the decisions the judges have made, but I don't think I've actually been heart-broken before.

As it should be.

Adalind is also responsible for what happened to Juliette in the first place, so I'd say it's a wash.

D for David. E Kelley.

Maher started disappointing me years ago. On the rare occasion that I watch Real Time, he starts off well (his monologue was actually funny this week), but he always blows it. Then I get pissed off and I end up leaving the room.

For me, it's impossible to have a favorite going into the finale this season, because I like them all. No matter who wins, I'm going to feel bad for the other two. OK, maybe Sheldon has a slight edge in my heart. The food he makes sounds so delicious. Plus, you gotta love someone who says "I like Tequila, but it makes

Re-reading my comment just now, I did it again. As soon as I saw "Paul", I thought of Pennikett.

IKR? John Waters gets to be wherever he goddamn wants to be.

I've always imagined that you've conducted your entire life with Yakkity Sax on a loop. That's a compliment, by the way.

I loved that, and laughed really hard when pawn shoe guy told him to remove his clothes. I mean, I don't care one way or the other whether Renard takes off his shirt, but it was so hilariously blatant that I couldn't help but love it.

It's not often I feel bad for Casey, because she really bugs the hell out of me. But I was feeling a lot of sympathy for her and Sheldon while John and Katsuji were going after each other. What a clusterfuck.

I think Gail is great (she's so good at being honest while still be kind to the chefs. Also, her palate is truly enviable) and she usually looks fantastic, but no one over the age of 12 should wear a romper.

I love Sylva, and I'd be so happy to see him in the finale. I think they're sending four chefs to Mexico, so I'm hoping that line-up is (in no particular order) Shirley, Sheldon, Sylva, and Brooke. They've all done a beautiful job of proving themselves.