legally concrete blonde

Pence will be running the country anyway, so we'll be immediately worse off.

OMG, that's fantastic!

The ACA is not perfect by any means, but we'd be royally screwed if it didn't exist. My husband was laid off two years ago and hasn't had a regular job since. (He's a graphic designer and illustrator, so at least he's able to do freelance work). Several years ago we had to buy health insurance outright, for various

Yeah, I'd say he doesn't have much to be worried about on a personal level. I hope he has enough empathy to get why people are scared and pissed off.

I'm feeling uneasy, what with being disabled and on Medicare, and my husband being on Obamacare.

He has so much class. All of it low.

"Disgusting shithead is right. He was acting like a pimp.

Thanks. I haven't had a chance to see that yet.

I've seen that a few times, and it always makes me laugh.

Ooooo! Good team!

Briscoe/Green 2016!

Wait. You haven't taken up drinking yet? You're stronger than I am.

You and me and a whole lot of other people. I can't imagine being apathetic during this election. Disgusted, fed-up, angry, horrified- all those things make sense to me. I can even accept that some people are still amused by it all, although I haven't found much humor in what's been going on for the past year+. But

Make sure they have no access to health insurance.

Oh, sure, make fun of the old white guy.

Awww, he's cute. Here's his current IMBD photo.

Will the pizza grow cold?

Hahahahaha! Oh, yes. We so appreciate it.

I can attest, what with being and old lady and all, that women have been pushing for change for decades. If you only go back as far as the second wave, that's 50 years. Go back to when we won the right to vote. That's another 45 years, plus the number of years that fight lasted. So we're looking at 95+ years. If you

Thank you. Perfectly stated.