legally concrete blonde

Thank you for that. It's fucking brilliant.

It doesn't make any goddamn sense to me. It seems to me that Jenner has been doing the exact opposite. i mean, I'm an old straight lady, so I could be wrong, but I spent a while trying to decipher it, and I couldn't.

I kind of wish I hadn't seen it. It was confusing, but it was also embarrassing and sad.

WTF? That can't be real, can it? (I'm kidding myself. Of course it's fucking real. That's the kind of thing scum-sucking fuckbags do)

Yeah, no. I don't feel even a little bad for Serena Joy. She was as horrible before the takeover as she is now, and she deserves to suffer.

You are my hero.

Besides Logan's friends taking up so much screen time, the sequence just didn't make any damn sense. Was it a dream? Was Rory tripping? Was I supposed to believe all those things happened? I finally decided ASP was just fucking with the viewers. She loves to do that, especially to the insane fangirls. Unfortunately,

Oh, I'm so sorry. It's so hard to lose a pet. We just had one of our cats put to sleep a few weeks ago, so the feelings in the aftermath are fresh in my mind. It does help knowing they're not suffering anymore, but it's still difficult.

It's a great style for her. I agree that it's true to her character.

That line always makes me laugh. I'm with you on the Pylea story arc. I really love it. In fact, I think it's time for an Angel rewatch.

Definitely Pylea, although hell if I could remember the name.

Definitely. And I imagine that, for her (and Nick and Hank, for that matter), it seems an impossible task to even allude to what's been going on in Portland. How do you do that when you're sure the other person will think you're out of your mind.

About damn time.

I used to own a Craftsmans home. It was beautiful (stained glass windows, a sun porch, rare stones around the fireplace), if a little rundown, and I still miss it. When the first house you own is your dream house, nothing else compares.

She has to suspect that things aren't normal in Portland, if nothing else.

You're so brave. I love to bake, and I'm pretty good at it, but I'm also really slow (same with cooking). Forget getting past the first episode. I doubt I'd last through the auditions.

What's the point of even watching? OK, that's Hyperbole, because I really love GBBS for a lot of reasons. But Mary is just so great - she's kind to the bakers, she knows her stuff inside and out, and she's completely unpretentious. Mel and Sue are so dorky I can't help but love them.

We must have the same imagination, because I saw that look on Padma's face too. She looked defeated, and I don't think defeat is a thing Padma is used to.

OMG, yes. I was so happy for Shirley that I actually cried. And I am not a crier.

I'm such a fan of this show that I can appreciate even the crappy episodes. It does seem, though, that, no matter who's writing or running Supernatural, there are always blind spots regarding its strengths and weaknesses. It makes me think there's something in the water.