Valar Florist

Person of Interest is the opposite of suck.

I don't think she was the lay down for an examination from a human type.

She was very good on this and her simply wonderful Dragon Age work.

She is totally Batman in that scene. So much so that it feels out of place that the last mook didn't get taken out in slow-mo.

That's pretty close, but Brooklyn at least has a sense of humour.

I would have got here sooner, but it wan't on the daily WoT. It's a conspiracy! AV Club is to Gargoyles as Nick is to Korra!


And now episode 3

And now episode 2

I've been waiting for this so much that I'm going to watch and live comment right now even though it's 12:30 at night.

I would prefer she get a good role.

Everything is awesome.

I always wished Libby had more to do than die because I thought she was the hottest one.

Yellow Fever?

I know the failed recruitment montage was pretty good, but for my money Tenzin's face when he slid out of the Mako/Kosami conversation was the funniest thing in these episodes and the universe.

Almost forgot about this

I think her uncle is at Casterly Rock.

Really? Arya could. Because of Gendry's impressive talent for shirtlessness which Podrick lacks.

I imagine him as Harold from Fallout 3.

I think that's half true. I hope next season has Brienne hearing rumours about Stoneheart during her travels (what is she going to do next season?) and her the reveal of her identity in the finale.