Valar Florist

Sometimes I think about two women doing science… and then I do science by myself.

So that people don't have to go from memory.

I watched all of Dead Like Me over a weekend after being reminded of it by seeing what Reggie looks like now.

You're a huge whore!

They would probably just have sex with him.

I laughed so hard I feel bad. I mean it's wrong to laugh at bad english right?

I watched more of this than I'd like to admit, but not enough to be truly humiliated about it (<—-The A.V. Club)

Did your parents have to take your weeping toddler self out of the theater too?

I always thought that Shayera should have gone back with her people to face the music. Not that I didn't like having her stick around, but it seemed to me that if paying for her treason was all she could do for her dead world then she was gong to do it.

When it comes to Podrick, I have to wonder which of his… spears you think would be affected by wine.

Wow, I had no idea what her actress name even was. 3rd generation actor huh?

It can be both things.


Sadly, the pie mostly hit her client.

They should have a male clone so she can get the best actress and best actor awards. (hey, they have alt gender clones in comics)

Mrs S is so awesome that I keep expecting her to pull off a mask and be Tatiana Maslany underneath.

Don't be man, we're all there.

Magda and Anya Lehnsherr stayed dead.

Raze = half Mystique half wolverine
Jubilee = future vampiric wolverine

It's funny, the only murder he actually got away with was his wife, and that happened before the show.