Valar Florist

Weren't most of people who couldn't tell Starship Troopers was satire dipshit film reviewers?

So I guess he does know how to laugh maniacally.

The Shoot-out is an abomination. No True Canadian would settle anything over one.

I liked Linkin Park. Their songs were catchy as fuck and (I think) weren't about how much pussy they had, wanted, or couldn't get. Some pretty cool animated music videos too.

So that's what the military guys name is. I didn't quite catch it.

For any other show this would have been a too bizarre and WTF the ending.

In unrelated news, Netflix Japan just doubled its' subscriber base.

Claiming this "feels" like a Marvin Gaye song is far more baffling to me than courts foolishly crippling the music industry.

The best Egon line in that movie is "Yo" Such an unconvincing road worker.

First puppetry, now this! WHEN WILL IT STOP!

Will it still have that sort of pop-up video mode from the DVD release? That had some hilarious bits.

Good headline, I like it much better than "An historic"

Pamela Anderson probably has her beat.

That japanese opening sequence really does look fantastic.

That Hanako of the toilet thing made me laugh at a joke I now understand from playing Katawa Shoujo years ago.

I would truly love for someone to have a sample of The Logdrivers Waltz on a popular hip hop track

"A little too Raph"

I like the version with the daredevil clips playing in the background.

He got to be Batman.

Well Powergirl is usually an alternate universe version of Supergirl so it would fit well after the Flash episode.