Valar Florist

Did you know the name of Troi's father from memory? Because that would be impressive! I actually use that bit of obscure trivia as the final question of my 3-part test to see how much of a Trek geek someone is.

The white brick walls, shiny wood stage and those pull out things underneath it are right out of my high school.

Cad Bane is awesome. I usually root for him against the Jedi.

I know the NBA is 2nd fiddle and all, but when as many Canadian teams make the playoffs there as in the NHL it at least deserves a mention.

Disappointing picture. Only ONE Maslany? I feel cheated.

Anyone else have that friday the 13th "ch ch ch ch - ha ha ha ha" thing playing in their head when Slade is doing his fast walk to kill someone thing?

I think the idea that he wanted Alicia around for political purposes is backwards really. He would never have run for governor if she hadn't encouraged him. Which she only did out of vindictiveness against Mathew Perry's character or just because she felt he was too evil to be allowed in office.

I can't unsee that.

Stare at Kat Dennings chest long enough and I swear the GoT theme starts playing in my head.

Anyone else wonder where the kids were when Alicia & Peter were fighting? I mean they were there a few minutes earlier when they let the lawyer in the door.

Makes me glad it's on at 10 on a different channel here in Canada.

Who needs motive? Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Ah, so now we know why you're not just a malcontent but "The_Malcontent"

The Long Kiss Goodnight is better. No contest.

Yeah, the lack of clothing makes those waists look even freakier.

Or any other show she's ever done. Which is sometimes seems like every cartoon ever.

Of course it is! As if he would ride around on anybody else's shoulder.

Amir Johnson? Awesome! He's not the overall entertainer that JYD was, but still great to see him put himself out there.

Best line of the episode.

What song? "Happy"