Hooty McBoob

I'm finally diving into The Power Broker by Robert Caro. Although I'm a relatively fast reader, this beast is going to take me a while and so far it's absolutely worth the time and muscle strain. As a New Yorker, understanding the history behind the city's parks, roads, and landscapes is fascinating. As a person

I near died when Mike used the app to thank his Chinese counterpart for the nicotine gum with a loud, mechanical "gracias"

Lisa needs braces.

Indeed he was.

Flavor sauce!

Funny, I prefer to think of them as Chandica

I consider people who don't own a TV as the cultural equivalent of vegans. I have no problem with their choice. I do have a problem with the inevitable mention of that choice at the first possible moment and the very clear judgement and presumption of superiority.

Oh my God, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. I was actually embarrassed that I encouraged a friend to keep watching after the game to check out The New Girl. I did laugh at Winston's "I LOVE YOU!" That and Prince's butterfly were the only redeeming moments for me in a disappointing episode.

I was sure this article was going to be ABOUT Noam Chomsky.

I saw Tame Impala live a couple of months ago and they were awesome.

Help! The human's about to escape
Get your paws off me, you dirty ape

REALLY??? "Because 'there's is' very much a married relationship". REALLY?? "THERE'S IS"? A professional writer should know how to use the possessive correctly.

Whataworkout- I would totally visit that site if I weren't in Whole Foods all the damn time to see the live version.

Ray Liotta & Whoopi Goldberg in Corrina Corrina. Anybody?

For a minute there I thought I was on the wrong site. A (relatively)genuine and sincere discussion about personal relationships on the AV Club? I thought the only thing dudes used these comments for was to rip each other apart and either ogle or disparage the women in the articles.

If it were ironically, at least I could apparently get some "ironic enjoyment" out of the experience. No irony. No enjoyment. No hope that I will ever be rescued from this hell.

Now my brain will be boucing back and forth between TiK ToK and Hey Soul Sister for the rest of the goddamn day.

I routinely want to kill trannies but that murderous rage is reserved specificallly for the trannies on SNL. Does that mean I'm on the same side as GLAAD?

Damn- that's like a Sophie's Choice of supporting character art:

It's possible to play an awkward character without playing the character awkwardly. Ariel Kelly was just awkward.