Hooty McBoob

I can't believe I'm saying this but I owe a debt of gratitude to Hitler for setting us straight on the injustice of slavery.

Prayer Works!
I never knew that prayer was an option to get out of responsibility. Thanks Wesley Snipes- that's one to grow on.

I agree with Todd about Favreau in this episode- he nailed the dimwitted obtuseness perfectly.

If you were really a hipster d-bag you would embrace the hollow trappings and wear clothing that ironically commented on being a husk of a man.

Well done, 2 Wycked.

Ghostwriter- you are my hero.

So I read this and thought
Skeet Ulrich had a career as recently as 2005?

I always read this scene as Meadow cleaning the house because Janice nudges her conscience. Tony registers what I perceive to be a surprised reaction when he shows up at the house to find her cleaning.

Not the first time
Disney has built a mythology around a bizarro object- just look at Miley Cyrus

Roman Polanski took my virginity at the age of 13 but I don't consider that a "donation"

Celebrity Justice strikes again!

This was once my favorite show and I skipped half of this season because it was so uncomfortably unfunny. I really hope it gets cancelled after Carell leaves but its popularity will probably just prolong the lackluster storylines.

I absolutely agree. Arnold got on my very last nerve what with the constant gay cliche spouting but he seemed to do an overall good job and have the potential to be a decent competitor (excuse me, cheftestant).

I love the giant "fuck you" to the Tonight Show with Jay Leno that SNL got nominated for writing and Jay Leno didn't. That's right, Leno, you suck worse than SNL.

Amen. Hallelujah.