Hooty McBoob

Yeah, because the real problem here is the way in which a sexual violence survivor stood up for herself.

And also "Well, the white guys sure are doing terrible work but we can't hire anyone of a different background who doesn't know the industry so let's just keep hiring white guys who do terrible work."

My mom & I watch that episode together every couple of years. I love Frasier on its writing and acting merits but I love it most for the way it makes my mom laugh so hard she cries and starts shaking her hands and feet because she just can't handle it.

"Super Karate Monkey Death Car" is an incredible episode. I still think of "Jimmy James, Macho Business Donkey Wrestler" every time I see Stephen Root in something which is, obviously, pretty frequently.

I felt so bad for Tasha's character, even in the first season. She's just looking for a good man- it's not her fault Lawrence is pretending to be one. She deserves better.

Completely agreed. She has fantastic instincts and a really unique energy and just gets… not very good projects.

This show makes me so angry because it has actively and aggressively wasted what could have been great and interesting. Case in point: imagine this show with Felix and Max at the center. It'd be a totally different show that's grounded in real emotion and believable characters with relatable issues.

I watched the whole thing too (had a very quiet Friday at work) and clearly the horrible characters didn't deter me. Part of it was boredom and low time investment but most of what kept me watching was the Max/ Felix relationship which felt very grounded and believable. Both performances were human and moving in

Well she does have very impressive taste in impeccable clothing.

The sad thing about the Brooks article is that he DOES have a point about there being invisible class barriers in America. We don't think of ourselves as a class-based society so it's almost more difficult to move through other classes because it's not acknowledged. But Jesus was he a pretentious dick about it. The

It makes sense to me and works for the character that she hasn't been able to address her trauma directly until now. The levels of denial are falling away and she's ready to address things more directly. She's done a lot to address her family of origin difficulties and started acknowledging things in therapy. She's

I remember him being a surprisingly delightful addition to Love's Labour's Lost.

Absolutely! 5 days is how you get to 5 years. We don't talk about "one day at a time" for nothin'.
And 5 years is easier than 5 days as you're no longer dealing with detox and you've re-conditioned yourself to habits that don't include smoking. Congratulations to you and know that you just have to get through the next

Hardee's is TERRIBLE. Barn'ards also deserves some love for being a significant local upgrade to Arby's.

Cold deep dish Pizza Hut has to be one of the worst things I've ever eaten.

Growing up in Wichita, the Pizza Hut obsession was real. As a New Yorker who has lived here long enough to be thoroughly endoctrinated into the foldable slice brigade, I know that the best pizza isn't a greasy dough bomb. But there are days when I geniunely pine for a greasy dough bomb. Adding insult to injury, my


In case there are people reading this review who may be in situations similar to Celeste's:
The National Domestic Violence Hotline numbers are

I think Ed may be a big, big factor in Abigail's moving out of that house.

I see what you're saying that you want her to wake up to her abuse but "too smart" is irrelevant to abuse. Intelligence has nothing to do with succeptibility. Thinking that being smart enough can prevent abuse is a roundabout way of deflecting responsibility that is on the abuser. Abuse, like addiction, is a dynamic