
I appear to be the one person in the world who doesn't give a shit about chocolate. Regarding Ben and Jerry's I hate how they feel compelled to put chocolate/fudge chips in EVERY FUCKING FLAVOR. Without fail, every flavor sounds terrific on the label, until they get to the part about shoehorning in some shitty

Lookit the size of his pecs! Someone when a little overboard with the photoshop.

I suppose that's all down to how we define 'easier to consume'. Social media at least requires constant clicking and scrolling, and at least involves the subject controlling the direction, and their brain & body are engaged the whole time they're using it, even if they're not directly interacting with anyone. TV is a

I don't entirely disagree with you, but I think there's a bit of apples-to-oranges when it comes to comparing TV & movies to other sorts of media (books often come up in this argument as well). Lots of the content you can read/see on the internet, is exponentially more brutal or affecting than anything you're going to

The obvious distinction here is that Black Lives Matter, by protesting systemic police violence, is addressing an organization with a defined structure, membership and code. They can ostensibly affect all of these things, and that change could be easily and publicly checked and measured.

We're probably also overthinking this a bit to assume she was poring over these quotes with supreme thoughtfulness. More than likely someone else just collected a bunch of quotes from women that were semi-related to the theme of work, and she picked a handful of the ones that appealed after a 30-second read through.

Yeah, I can certainly agree that's the most troubling part, but I think that people are trying to crucify her for applying Morrison's literal definition of slavery to her life of white privilege, but her actual crime was applying the 'general' interpretation of slavery to Morrison's specific usage. She didn't liken

I can certainly agree with that.

See, here's where it gets tough for me:

Are you being sarcastic? My comment was meant to imply a common familiarity with outrage, as much as any criticism.

That's the special joy of outrage, the more you use it, the more you have!

Sure, using Morrison's statement was entirely tone deaf, but I think the strong suggestion that I should find this all very offensive is more offensive than anything Ivanka actually wrote This article seems to imply that the actual definitions of the words slave and slavery don't matter, and rich white people should

I'm certainly no Trump supporter, but when it comes to the specifics cited above the Clintons are collectively miles ahead of all the other politicians (at least, in this country)….which seems like all the more reason to complain about the apparent lack of "dark" stuff in these books.

Around about 2000 I was living in shitty San Mateo, and was trying to convert a long distance relationship with a woman who lived in LA. I flew her up to SFO for the weekend, and got us a nice hotel, and as we were driving up I noticed there was some sort of mascot out in front of the hotel…..and then another

From my experience with the recent Star Wars films "batting around ideas with Lucasfilm" involves obsessively poring over the first 3 films and choosing exactly which scenes to re-shoot, and what characters to call-back, as the basis for your "new" movie. NEWSFLASH: The entirety of humanity has seen all 8(?) of these

Well, it's been owned by PepsiCo since 1977, and I'd be surprised if 'affodability' or some other euphemism for 'cheap' isn't built into their mission statement. As a company dedicated to making cheap pizzas who has been publicly-traded for the last 40 years, it's easy to imagine that they've had thousands and

I agree with you, except that we and Ernesto (or at least I) did clearly hear what Jimmy says on the tape. It was cued up right to where he admitted he changed the numbers on the paperwork (the context of which even Ernesto would surely know about, given his close relationship with Chuck).

I'm convinced that '80s Pizza Hut was objectively better because they hadn't yet invented some of the preservatives that they put on chain delivery pizzas these days, and/or switched to corn syrup as a major building-block for all foodstuffs. All the major chains will tell you they're using 100& REAL cheese, but

I'm betting they never actually came back to pick her up.

..and the cooling properties of mesh.