
Remember how every concert you attended in those years would have at least 10 dudes stalking around in one of those RHCP asterisk T-shirts? Even though I remember those days perfectly, (and I was most definitely one of those dudes), it still blows my mind that THIS was arguable thee band to make it out of the '90s.

I certainly watched the video before commenting. Sorry for ticking you off.

I don't like that these kind of things are often posited as if they're inspirational and/or moments of humility or 'real life' for celebrities interacting with their own fans, but it's usually let down by the fact that the celebrity's attention obviously doesn't extend an inch beyond their own asshole. "Oh yeah, I'm

Huh. Until seeing it all collected here, I had no idea that I had a particular distaste for '90s Chicago-based indie rock. I did like Exile In Guyville, though. Hot take, I know.


Old-man-rockstar-hair is the worst. They're all addicted to having the same hair as they had whenever they were popular, which results in that weird long-frizzy hair that comes from treating & dying brittle, gray old-man hair. In one of those revival touring acts you can have 5-6 guys rocking those weird bird's nests

I seriously got some kind of optical illusion/magic eye feeling from staring too long at his face in that picture. My eyes can't properly process the shape of his head/face.

Well, considering Alive! is three discs, based on their first three albums of material, isn't that kind of disingenuous? Either way, I think it's kind beside the point that KISS (and Danzig, to a lesser extent) have become shorthand for being major-league assholes, which is certainly true, but has led to younger folks


It appears to be translucent too, since his jeans are kind of peeking out beneath the waist. I don't like it.

What the fuck is up with Chapelle's horrible shirt, and as a secondary question how much do you think it cost? Something that ugly don't come cheap.

Bullshit, Mr. Han Man!

Nice! I'm sad to say I also had a similar list already at hand:

The next good performance from Common will be the first. Dude's agent deserves a suitcase full of Hollywood's finest coke for continually getting his/her cardboard cutout of a client relatively tasty roles.

I don't know how many seasons of The Real Word/Road Rules Challenge I've watched, but it's far, faaar too many, and now I can't stop. Watching them reward and celebrate all these horrible people for being particularly horrible always makes me feel kinda gross, but I guess that's pretty much how all reality TV works.

Well, if you're feeling kind of broke, Samuel L. Jackson would certainly like to get a little richer by suggesting you cripple yourself with Capital One brand debt!

I still do this exact thing. Strawberry is the worst.

“I wanna know how many people here tonight like to take a taste of Ensure!”

Where is pancakes house

My mom and I have our own dance based on the show: she asks me every GOTdamn week if I watch it, I answer emphatically and forcefully "NO!", and then she spends 20 minutes breathlessly telling me about it.