
Love me some bit-o-honey. Though I also love Abba-Zabba and black licorice, so maybe I'm just an olde-time candy hipster.

That's who I'd go with too. I think I'd actually find his resigned, wary delivery somewhat soothing….at least until things got sexy, and then I'd probably regret my choice very quickly.

When LeBron James was in High School there was some controversy about how he owned a Hummer, and it was alleged that his mother gave it to him…..I knew a fellow who sincerely believed everyone was talking about LeBron James getting a blowjob from his mom.

This looks dumb as shit, but it also appear to be completely unrelated to any other property, so it's also potentially the most original thing to come out of Hollywood in the last decade.

Not Ozzy's dumbest lyric though:

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses

It's too bad that your music doesn't matter. I can smell the satisfaction on your breath.

Many boffins died to bring us this information.

I wanted to believe that was a fake review, so I went and looked up vinnyngo's other reviewed products, which were predominantly video games, airsoft guns, and pocket knives, so now I'm convinced this dude is real, and 16 (and totally awesome).

Especially because they explicitly denied that the plot had anything to do with purgatory, and made the plot dance around it for as long as possible, until it finally just kind of flopped on the floor "All right, you got us….it's fucking purgatory, ok?"

My pleasure! The Frogs will never disappoint you:

I'm with you. I was in the northwest, listening to plenty of indie crap in the '90s but the Tragically Hip didn't even dent the furthest boundaries of my interest (or anybody I know). Odd to hear that they were omnipresent for nearby folks of the same persuasion. Go figure.

Donald Trump & Nino Brown 2016

I hate to grab at the lowest hanging fruit, but man the Chess Club really was the dregs at my school….there was like 1 guy who I think was actually skilled and interested in chess, and then 3 other greasy dudes who probably had trouble with checkers but systemic school bullying forced them towards the Chess Club out

The 2600 game was actually based on a stand-up arcade game, which had the benefit of discernible graphics. It was kinda fun.

The 2600 game was actually based on a stand-up arcade game, which had the benefit of discernible graphics. It was kinda fun.

Yup. I think "We Are Glass","M.E.", "We Are So Fragile" and "Me, I Disconnect From You" from that era are all classics too, but Cars was really the only Numan song that made any impact over here.

El Rey gets into some deep 7-minute long commercial blocks that other 'networks' can't touch. And like 3 minutes of that will be generic El Rey promos…I'm already watching your network asswipes, the only thing the 10 minutes of promos every hour does is make me reconsider.

For sure, stories of drugs and abuse are a dime a dozen in the music world, but the filicide, delusions of athletic grandeur, and mommy/porn issues (all contrasted by his socially/politically conscious music) are all pretty unique to Marvin.