
It's a Vaughnderful Life

Sounds like SOMEBODY could use some Russian mob connections.

Yeah, don't get me wrong, there's plenty of valid reasons to discount the quality of dude's Aikido, marksmanship, and/or guitar playing, and whether his skills match up with his claims is another question entirely, but his skills in all those things are at least at a demonstrably high level that implies years of

I find Seagal super interesting, because he's one of few people who actually has demonstrable world class skills in a few fields, which probably took years of rigid self-discipline and focus yet also still feels compelled to lie and invent other achievements beyond those. He must be the most profoundly insecure dude

I hate to jump in on top of you, especially since it doesn't seem like you're enjoying the attention, but I am with the camp expressing disbelief that you lived through the '80s and '90s without having heard a Prince song.

A lot of Seagal's films try to put a (hilariously ridiculous) liberal spin on the typical action formula. On Deadly Ground involves him fighting for Inuit rights, and ends with that awesome flying eagle speech, and In Fire Down Below he's a loose-cannon EPA agent working against Kris Kristofferson and his goons for

I am kind of amazed by the number of people that I've read somehow managed to avoid seeing/recognizing Prince in the '80s. At those times in my life Prince was everywhere, and I can understand not liking him or his music, but I'm pretty mystified that anybody could have missed him entirely, and there's more than a few

Yeah, it should really be noted somewhere in the article that for all the questionable allure and legacy of the first Death Wish, Death Wish 3 is an unassailable fucking masterpiece.


If god didn't want me to pee in the shower (regardless of whether I'm in it or not) she wouldn't have invented morning wood. Really, considering the universal aim and lid issues that plague all men we should probably lobby for full-time tub pissing privileges.

Sounds like SOMEONE didn't stick around after the credits for the 4-hour genital mutilation PSA and town hall meeting. Wouldn't want you to expect anything offensive when tuning into Comedy Central at night, after all.

I'd like to give some love to Ilana's pita tampon. Why was she purposely looking for foodstuffs and the largest yarmulke possible? Who knows what goes on in Ilana's mind…especially when Abbi's anatomy is involved.

The idea that the women's room hasn't been "designed for the penis" and is somehow unfunctional for men involves ignoring the existence of every home bathroom in this country, and the thousands of times every dude has pissed into a toilet without issue.

Hot Pockets fade from every room

There's truly more-than-one "little person" variations on that show now. Golden age of television, indeed!

Yeah, Chicago gets a bad rap for being associated mostly with the Cetera schlock songs (some of which I still enjoy) but in their earlier incarnation(s) Lamm and guitarist Terry Kath were just as likely to be singing the vocals or leading the band's direction, and they could even rock relatively hard. I legitimately

He don't need no kickstarter. He needs you to buy a franchise, or some SOUP stock:

I might give this case a little more thought if it weren't being raised by the tenuous trustee of a dude who died 20 years ago. As long as actual members of Spirit and Led Zeppelin are still on this mortal plain and apparently unconcerned, I'm comfortable completely ignoring the complaints of lawyers and trusts who

Ditto. Desperately wanted to like. Did not. The themes and ideas of Metalocalypse certainly appeal to me, but whatever-the-hell-is-showing-on-Disney-Family-at-this-very-second probably has a better chance of making me laugh and/or entertaining me.

That's my take too. If someone wants to insist that the Stooges meet their definition of punk, I'm not particularly going to disagree, and wouldn't even think about arguing with including them on a must-have list, but I just don't define them that way.