
Well, you're getting some tiny benefit out of it by labelling folks thieves. Copyright infringement is not theft, it's copyright infringement, it doesn't need new or extra labels. For all I know, you do religiously abide by copyright laws, but I feel pretty fair saying hardly anybody in the digital world does, whether

I don't necessarily disagree with the meat of your moralizing, but it seems worth mentioning that in plenty of cases the artists who made the music aren't the people who own the rights, or profit from the music. There's an endless litany of stories of artists out there who have ended up owing their labels


How in the hell has this movie not been released yet? I feel like I've been watching some version of those shitty ads for like a year straight now.

This seems like an obviously poor idea, if only because "where'd you get your tattoo?" is an inevitable & integral small-talk question a tattee(?) probably faces a dozen times a day…and absolutely nobody in the world is going to want to answer "Whole Foods". Also seems like every tattoo shop absolutely needs those

Nasty girl…

Yup. Kristofferson also lends a little bit of a different flavor. He seems to be remarkably younger and cooler than most of Peckinpah's protagonists, who always seems to be coming to grips with their place outside of something in Peckinpah's other films. Comparatively, Kristofferson's Billy the Kid is someone

Even though I can see that 'The Wild Bunch' and 'Ride the High Country' are the superior movies, 'Pat Garret & Billy the Kid', and 'Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia' are my favorites when it comes to Peckinpah. Both of the latter movies aren't as tight or fully realized as the former, but both 'Pat Garret' &

I've been casually planning a Danzig themed dinner party for years, it's all centered around my Lucifudge dessert.

Those micro figures were my fucking jamz.

I'm intrigued by Portlandia recently…I agree with the review that the quality of the recent shows has been really high, even though I don't know if it's actually getting "funnier". It just seems to be getting more tightly and better crafted (like tonight's musical numbers), and it's somewhat surprising considering

I even like the chicken if the sauce is not too blue.

I'd like to see the 'Freedom Rock' commercial in concert form….and I'm sticking to the 2 second song-snippet form. You could stretch it out to concert length, but only with more (unique) snippets and narration. It's got all those great songs we used to groove to, just listen….

Bruno is almost blind, has to operate wholly by touch. Klaus is a moron, who knows only what he reads in the New York Post.

It's quintessential ZAZ: very clever and incredibly stupid at the same time. Like, in a lesser parody the scene could've been played almost exactly the same, as a simple sight gag where a narrator is revealed to be offscreen using a megaphone…but it's the suggestion that Martin is using the tiny megaphone for health

I hope it ain't like when you promised your Momma you was gonna get him off that stuff.

Nick, I'm sorry I won't be able to join you for dinner tonight, I'm coming down with a sore throat, so I've decided to turn in early. Don't forget to be at the theatre at 8:30 *coughs into tiny megaphone* Oh! This doesn't help at all!

What the fuck is Chinese Downhill?

I heard that song for the first time in a long time the other day (in a strip club of all places), and realized that it desperately NEEDS that local breakdown bit, and must've been written to include it….the fade out on that last tired riff lasts for like literally over a minute.

I was going to mention this same thing….The Dalles! Corvalis! UNH! Heart of rock and roll….