
That was excellent. I've actually been reading a bunch of Iceberg Slim's books over the past couple months, and this tale could fit right in. Some of the particulars have evolved, but the basic rules of that "game" haven't changed much over the last 100 (or probably thousands of) years.

Well said.

No surprise, as I'm an ancient fucking hermit, but per my random & incomplete youtube research: holy shit every song/band that article referenced is fucking horrible!

Despite their insistence, Obama and the Democrats never really tried to push through Universal Monsterverse, and were happy to instead stick the public with the Fu Manchu mandate.

A couple years ago a stripper asked me out, and despite the fact that I was pretty sure it would end in tragicomedy, I'm not in position to turn down ANYBODY who asks me out, let alone attractive young womens with questionable lifestyles.

I'll try spinning the narrative on the horrible Star Wars prequels, that's a good trick.

Who walks away from omelets?

I actually enjoy all of 'em, but Master of… definitely hits the street fighter vibe (down to an Indian fighter whose arms and legs stretch), there's fighters of all nationalities/styles, and probably hits more of the WTF factor, whereas the Shaw Bros titles are pretty standard Shaw fare (which is hardly a bad thing).

I always keep that clip on standby, as it seems to apply to 95% of my daily life.

"Musselman’s Apple Sauce Family Skating Tribute"…it just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Also, if it's not a tribute to a family made of apple sauce, I'm going to be very disappointed.

I gave up after a couple paragraphs, and was just going to scroll down to the comments, but it took like five minutes….it kept going, and I scrolled past like a dozen videos on the way. For this throwaway song from '97?

I understand that you can't just fill up this list with Looney Tunes characters, and I love the classic Tex Avery, but absolutely nobody on earth thinks fucking Droopy Dog is funnier than Daffy Duck.

You ever see a Surinam Toad give birth? They have dozens of little babies that pop out of honeycomb-like pockets of the mother's back…..you'd dig it the most:

I saw Beat Happening open for Fugazi in 1990. Great show. The end.

I certainly don't disagree with you. Those bands in particular are why I made sure to differentiate the "late" '80s, in reference to RHCP. U2 were already pretty established and mainstream by the later '80s. R.E.M., as you say, had such a quick rise to success that they managed to be both indie and mainstream during

It just so happens that while RHCP was the second "real" show I ever went to, Fishbone was the first. Those bands were rather linked together for West Coast white boys of a certain age, before RHCP shot into the mainstream.

The New Radicals. Or, at least I always thought that single had a Rundgren vibe.

Exactly. This whole hype train seems a bit like the Hollywood machine crawling too far up it's own ass. I'm not quite buying the insistence that the world desperately wants a James Bond movie that is unlike previous James Bond movies, featuring a James Bond unlike previous James Bonds.

RHCP were like my second "real" concert when I was 16 in 1987. I was huuuuge into them at the time, like seemingly everybody else, pretty much because there wasn't much else interesting going on in the late '80s and the Chili Peppers seemed weird and full of energy, if nothing else. A few years later and there would

I've been coveting a bong that looks EXACTLY like that: