
1 Pick:

Howsabout Purson:

In bad conditions that road can be absolutely terrifying. I've had multiple trips back from Timberline that included ice/snow assisted 360s and 100 yard skids.

That's certainly the impression I got….though at first I thought she was a swinger, but she never mentioned a husband.

They all look alike to me.

I hear the fetus shaped meatloaf, "Food (Looks Like a Baby)", is actually quite delicious.

Only if you equate "soon afterwards" with 9 years and/or 9 records later.

Chicago's first three records were all double records, and their fourth was a quadruple live album!

You just hurt Kid Frost in the heart, dog.

This movie hasn't come out yet? I swear it's been trending shitty for like 5 years now.


I'm an old ass man with a long cynical gaming history, and most of these didn't do shit for me, but I WAS moved the first time I heard "Lowlands Away" in AC4. That game truly came to be more than the sum of it's parts, as the piratey elements, tweaked history, and the wonderful (if casual) ship movement and combat

Every time I do coke you start on the "every time you do coke" stuff, man.

The future of rock and roll: Bruce Springsteen is fucking it all up.

I'll just leave this here:

…and to rant further: I am truly mystified when folks occasionally try to insist that Irvin is clean. Dude spends 12 hours on TV yelling about himself, came up thru high school and college in '80s Miami running with Luther Campbell, arrested for coke possession in '96, and with a crack pipe in 2005. Michael Irvin is

Seniority!! I just happened to have re-read Jeff Pearlman's 'Boys Will Be Boys' recently, which certainly doesn't help my perception of Irvin. Let's also not forget "that was my brother's crack pipe!", and then there's Deion with "Jesus told me not to pay this mechanic bill". Watching Irvin is just like being stuck in

Football commentary has gotten ridiculous in terms of the sheer number of commentators. A good football career shouldn't somehow guarantee you a TV gig upon retirement. Shows will now have a table of like 8 guys battling to yell their opinions over each-other, and just when you think you can barely take another second

Man, more power to you if you're able to enjoy those dudes. They (specifically Deion and Irvin) bring out the worst in me. You're probably taking the right tact treating them as cartoon characters.