
People focusing on anything to do with Manning are missing the key point that: HOLY SHIT Denver's Oline is horrible.

You'll get your turn to talk, Building, but can't you hear how much you've hurt Adjacent Parking Lot's property values?

Thanks for the reading recommendations!

I'd like to think a good, top-quality sharp knife could do the same thing as a razor blade, but I suppose that kind of knife is just as rare in most home kitchens as it is in prison.

I thought that you said that you were alright, Spider.

Nice! The Detroit music scene sounded super interesting back then, with the aggressive working-class politics of the MC5 and John Sinclair, and weirdos like Iggy and Alice Cooper. Also, the world's foremost (living) Dylanologist:

Spencer's seems like it was created entirely to stimulate the brain of a 12-year old boy, and those desires never change: fart & dick jokes, and novelty underwear.

Are you from Michigan by any chance? I assume that the Stooges and MC5 fans were more concentrated at the time. I was born in Ann Arbor, and my ma worked the ticket booth at the Grande Ballroom, whilst my dad was supposedly the Stooges and MC5's weedman before some sweet, sweet prison time. They split up (and he died)

I have the usual litany of complaints about my mother/childhood, but I will also give endless credit to the fact that, when I started rummaging through her record collection as youngsters in the '70s, this (and the MC5, Velvet Underground, Sid Barret-era Pink Floyd ) was the stuff I found, while all of my friends were

Mogwai's "Tracy" is my glockenspiel jam:

In like '91 the Everclear house was a couple doors down from a house my girlfriend-at-the-time lived in for a couple months, and even in their most formative stages seemingly everybody thought of Art as an asshole from California who was trying to co-opt whatever tiny magic Portland had (and admittedly I'm working

Free drinks on those ventures to shitty local bars? It's an interesting question, and I've wondered things along the same lines. Probably not a per diem, since it sounds like they're pretty much sequestered the whole time, but you have to imagine they're getting paid some sort of baseline to be on TV (maybe part of

One of my favorite things about this show is the announcement & hype surrounding the relatively shitty prize money. Every season the top prize inches slowly closer to something closer to real "prize money"….provided that you ignore these mongoloids have to spend MONTHS in a bad psychological experiment. Then things

Zach is the fucking worst.

I absolutely loved the London show because they didn't give the participants a rigid enough schedule of entertaining things to do, so it eventually did evolve into as close as Reality TV has ever come to the real world of shared housing in your twenties: lots of sitting around and/or leaving to be with their actual

He's not even close to the character limit! Where's my whacking cane?!?!

No one will ever convince me that Cracklin' Rosie isn't about indigenous fellows fucking wine bottles.

This is nice and all, but the angry internet commenter inside of me would like to say that any tribute formed around the words "u" and "ur" is actually no tribute at all.

I've thought about investing 6-months into rigorous Crossfit training, solely so I can be intimidating enough to slap phones out of the air at concerts. I didn't really think of it as an evil plan 'til I saw your similar idea, but they both seem more applicable than most of the answers they get within this feature.

I was well into my thirties before discovering that there's another vocalist in The Cars besides Rick Ocasek, let alone that Benjamin Orr arguably had the better voice, and sang on the better songs.