
If the Barber of Seville doesn't revolve around a rabbit making fruit salad on top of a man's head I sure don't want to know.

I really want that movie to just be two hours of Carcetti expounding wildly on the scorch, all of its tiniest details, and how long he'd expect various people to last there.

Yeah. I certainly can't speak to anything about Ginn personally, he might be the nicest fellow in the world, but it's not like there's a shortage of stories detailing his various assholery/control issues.

Philo Cramer apparently teaches physics these days, and Philo Cramer is his real name. I believe "Fetch Me One More Beer" is the song that eventually became "Johnny Are You Queer":

Not much new on the performance, but it was interesting to hear about meeting Belushi the first time, which he said was disconcerting as Belushi was basically just a huge fan boy, and spent most of the time repeating their stage jokes back to them.

I've been taking drum lessons from ex-FEAR drummer Spit Stix (see you tomorrow, Tim!) for the last year-and-a-half, and I try and be a little bit coy about him for stories, but this event was one of the first things I asked him about.

Being driven around by a Rod Stewart impersonator sounds fun! Being driven around by Kevin Spacey's bitter, delusional brother sounds sad and terrifying! How do you know which one you're going to get?

See, I don't think that I need to sit with you FUCKING DILDOS anymore.

Jackman already stole Wolverine, and I see no reason a shirtless, 60-year old Glenn Danzig can't be James Bond.

I don't know, but if they did you can bet Murph had to kick Barlow out of it at some point.

Same. Goonies just bounced right off of me. That said, I was 13-14 when this came out, which is the perfect age to decide that you were definitely above this kind of kids' shit.


New song: Ghost - Deus Absentia

There's some story about Marriot trying out for the stones after Mick Taylor left in '75, as he was good buds with Keith. Richards told him something along the lines of "Play however/whatever you like, but just keep your mouth fucking shut, because Mick is insanely jealous, and thinks you'll upstage him." It's going

My personal recommendation along those lines would be Humble Pie, whose recognition in the States seems to extend to only "30 Days In The Hole", but they're well worth digging into. Steve Marriot's voice is a treasure.

Like 20 years ago when I made my foray through the restaurant world, me and the other line cook would spend way too much time figuring out how to mimic DLR noises, and we decided that most of his wacky noises were made by shrieking while inhaling sharply, which contradicts the obvious singing techniques.

Nice! An unheralded gem on Diver Down. I recently had my mind blown by the heavy keyboard sludge of "Sunday Afternoon In The Park" off Fair Warning.

The Peanuts trailer I've seen is set to the "epic" synth build-up of Baba O'Reilly with the typical growling, trailer narrator introducing every character as if it were the Super Bowl. Could they be any more tone-deaf to Peanuts' appeal?

Help me MaahkyMaahk, you're my only hope!

When it comes to Fred, it's all about the majesty of his pants. A minimum thirty inches of fly: